Friday, November 29, 2019
Essay on Julius Caesar Essay Example
Essay on Julius Caesar Essay Julius Caesar was the self-elected dictator of Rome in 44 B.C, for only one year, before being killed.He was born on the 13thof Quintilis, which is now July in 100 BC to Gaius Caesar, which became part of his full name, Gaius Julius Caesar.When Caesar was born, the city of Rome was flourishing, becoming a rich culture, and an advanced form of government. When Caesar was born, the government was a democracy. Nobility governed the state. Nobles were people who claimed consuls or other high officers as their ancestors. Caesars birth was very interesting. His mother did not have a vaginal birth, but had the first Caesarian C-section, hence the name C-section. Caesar was born into a well-bred family called the Julian clan.As he started to grow up, he understood that his family was important and that he had to appreciate the historical importance of the parents claim, of being of a Noble birth.Since he was a noble child, he was to take his fathers place in Romes government. Until the age of seven, Caesar was in the care of his mother. His education was done at home in his big, elegant home. There he was taught the traditional Roman way of living. Some of the things he was taught were endurance, sympathy for others, religion, and the right way of doing things.He was also told a story about Roman war heroes and through that was taught to respect the achievements of his Uncle Marius, a general and a senator. When Julius Caesar was seven, he attended a public school in the towns business district.The school was a very hard school Caesar had to memorize and dictate back to his teacher many things with the threat of being beaten if he made a mistake.He had to memorize Roman law, and had to learn how to be a public speaker. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Julius Caesar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Monday, November 25, 2019
Plate Tectonics Theory essays
Plate Tectonics Theory essays Most people know about the prehistoric land that scientists have named Pangaea, but few know what it looked like, was like, and how it separated over millions of years. The hypothesis is now widely accepted and may soon become scientific law. I will explain the plate tectonics theory, Pangaeas climate and environment, and how the earths plates are continuing to move. Along the same lines, scientists have found it difficult to trace the movements of the continents that occurred very early in the earths history. However, a general picture can be constructed from a combination of evidence from various scientific fields. Early in history, there were probably two or three super continents that formed, broke up, and re-formed as lithospheric plates drifted slowly around the earth. Alfred Wegener first hypothesized the continent of Pangaea, and proposed that it formed between 250 and 300 million years ago. Many mountain regions, such as the Appalachian Mountains and Russias Ural Mountains, were formed during early Paleozoic Era collisions, which also created Pangaea. Now that you know how this super continent was formed, lets see how it dissipated. Following this, about two hundred million years ago, Pangaea began to break apart. It started to form two different landmasses. Just north of the equator a great east-west rift split the super continent, nearly separating Gondwanaland and Laurasia. They stayed connected only where the southern tip of Spain touched the northwestern coast of Africa. As a rift and small sea formed east of this connection, Laurasia began to rotate slowly in a clockwise direction. A little while later, both Gondwanaland and Laurasia began to split, creating four major continents. Present day South America broke away from Africa and India slid from its former position, connected with Antarctica and Australia. Later, the Himalayas formed as the last of the continents broke apart, India...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection on Kon-Tiki and The Concept of National Cinema Essay
Reflection on Kon-Tiki and The Concept of National Cinema - Essay Example In this regard, the Concept of National Cinema which was advanced by Andrew Higson is relevant to this film in its entire creation, editing and production (Andersson, 2010). The concept of National Cinema asserts that a film reflects the culture of a given country of its origin. This explains the varied dress codes, languages and overall production techniques of movies across the world. Taking the instance of Kon-Tiki, the film gives a narration of the cross cultural experience of the sailor through America and learning important aspects of cultural diversity as far as the role of art is concerned (Williams,2002). The filming industry as indicated by Higson need to observe the role of culture in influencing the audience size of the film viewers. Even the source of funding of a film dictates the cultural domination in it. In the case of Kon-Tiki, the film was created from a book that already had massive demand in various parts of the world before being acted through United States funding. It is therefore worth to conclude that the ideas expressed in Higson’s Concept of National Cinema are significantly captured in the techniques and mode of production of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Benchmarking productivity in the hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Benchmarking productivity in the hospital - Essay Example The study of how best to sustain safety in the workplace should also be undertaken. In our survey, first, we identified a number of key benchmarks. These included the number of nurses attending to a full time physician as well as the number of patients allocated to every nurse. Questions were then developed for these benchmarks and organized categorically. In this staffing, demographics and expenses categories, the easiest questions would be answered first. Participants were informed that they did not have to answer all questions. Respondents, who came from the in and out patient population, were quizzed as to the number of drug administration services and examination practices had been given by nurses between specified visits to the hospital. Given by way of questionnaire, responses were received from 73 patients (20%). Of these, 15 were new mothers, 34 were oncology cases and 24 were admitted patients recovering from communicable diseases. Results showed that established patient visits per nurse were 5. Nurses commonly split their duties between the maternity ward and the pediatric ward. They also performed other administrative duties such as signing in patients as the hospital had not yet located a receptionist. Admitted patients were also asked to indicate the number of chairs and other furniture in their rooms. The number of initial drug administration codes was calculated by the number of full time nurses. It was then multiplied by the number of days during the month in which this study was carried out. Patients per full time nurse per working day, including those who did not have serious injuries, ranged from 3.7 to 8.1. The results of this study indicate that nurses though slightly strained in attempts to cater for the large volume of patients, the majority of whom had minor injuries, were adjusting favorably to the increased requirements of the populace. It does show an indication of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Value of college Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Value of college Education - Essay Example In this modern age of business and economy, the demand for higher education has increased tremendously. Anyone who cares for a better future strives to attain a college degree in order to get their dream jobs. The biggest advantage of having a college degree is getting a better job and also to be the best in the competitive job market. Most companies require their employees to have at least a four-year college degree and five years work experience in certain jobs they apply for before they are offered the jobs. College degree prepares a student for the task ahead in the job industries and that is a major reason why most people work extremely hard to attain college degree so that they are able to get the kind of jobs that they desire. I grew up in a very poor family where college is the last thing my parent want to spend money on. Looking at my surrounding, I figured out that the only discrimination in my society is whether you own a college degree or not. I made a promise to myself to step up to the standard of my society by working hard to ensure I have a college degree. It is very important to have a college degree in order to acquire and display necessary employability skills and create a pool of highly skilled labor that most companies are outsourcing from overseas. Most high-skilled jobs like accounting, information technology, and criminal justice among others require quality education that enables one to make the positive impact in the global market and also to continue to compete among the best in the global job market.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Background of the Amway Business Venture
Background of the Amway Business Venture Amway was co-founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Rich Devos, they worked together in a variety of small entrepreneurial ventures since their teens whereby they found that they shared many common values, interest and aspiration. Amway is well known for direct selling, and it started by developing and selling their own product line of high quality, high concentrated home care products. Multipurpose Liquid Organic cleaner, known as L.O.C. product line was the first companys product(httl:// Amway is a part of the Alticor group of companies (parent company) with headquarters in Ada, Michigan, USA. Company has wide range of products which reaches to some where around 450 quality of products. Amway has always been at the centre of Global market for the last 50 years hence their phrase Think Global, Act Local Amway is good at direct selling where they sell their product person to person manner generally in their home or home of others or other places away from permanent retail location whereby direct sales occur through explanation or demonstration by salespersons normally referred as Direct Sellers. This has proven successful, with direct selling in 2007 alone generating an annual turnover of close to 111 billion US $ worldwide. Amways trend has shown significant growth from when the company was founded. In 1960s its first years sales reached an impressive US$500,000 while the business continued to grow in United States, where Co-founders decided to expand to Canada in 1962. In 1989 Amway was recognised as a corporate leader in promoting environmental awareness and education when it received the United Nations Environmental program Achievement Award. In 1990s Amway saw a dramatic international expansion. In just half of the decade, Amway doubled the number of its international affiliates. Annual sales kept growing, by the end of decade more than 3 million sales people in some 80 countries and territories were involved in the Amway business worldwide and the retail sales reached and estimate US$5 billion. Around the world Amway affiliates continued to support their distributors with the launch of e-commerce sites that extends the Amway Business opportunity into cyberspace. The web-based Amway business around the globe, supported by the local distribution and manufacturing and warehousing facilities, has assured on time and accurate order processing and delivery of products. Amway today still remains under the parent company Alticor Inc.( today Alticor has net sales of US$7.1 billion (fiscal year 2007) sales force of more than 3 million independent business owners and contracting agents more than 13,000 worldwide em ployees, 160 distribution centre and among other developments. Amway has a long-standing tradition of Corporate Citizenship which since the company started has been an important goal. Amway is subjected to different laws in different countries and Amway goes beyond mere compliance with applicable legal requirements and always places importance on maintaining the highest ethical standards. This is ensured through; treating employees with due respect, maintaining a relationship with Amway Business Owners, which is based on trust and partnership, ensuring trustful relationship with customers, providing high quality products, caring for the environment through the conservation of resources committing themselves to the wider community. Social Responsibility since the founding days has always been an integral part of the company with its Global One by One campaign, Amway wants to provide children with a chance to live a better life, and to achieve this aim the company supports various projects promoting education and health as well as cultural advancement among children in more than 50 countries.. Amway have been successful because of their clear vision of the business, it has formulated strategies which has helped them achieve their goals and objective and also assist them in meeting their stakeholders needs and promoting corporate social responsibility in a global way and also acting in an ethical way, all these drives have enabled them in becoming one of the most successful direct selling company in the world. Cited on ( LITERATURE REVIEW STRATEGY: It is important for any organisation to have a long term plan in order to achieve their objective. Hence strategy can be defined as long term objectives and general means by which an organisation/business intends to achieve them, it is an area of management that is concerned with general direction and long term policy of the business as distinct from short term tactics and day-today operations (Karami, 2007) according to one American Business historian, he defined strategy as the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adaptation of causes of action and the allocation of resources for carrying out those goals (Chandler, 1962). Strategy as both position and perspective can be compatible with strategy as plan and or pattern although these definitions can be involved more than just stating what a strategy is, in relation to these definitions Johnson and Scholes (1993) describe the strategy as concerned with: Full scope of an organisations activities Strategic Management: Mainly Strategies are created and designed for the whole organisation by senior managers therefore managing strategy should start from the top to bottom. Effective strategies involve discussion and communication. Strategic management focuses on integrating managerial abilities and techniques such as; marketing, financial/accounting, human resource management, production management, research development to achieve organizational success. (David 1995). Corporate Strategy: organisations should be able to sustain competitive advantage in a discrete and identifiable market, It is the way a company creates value through the configuration and co ordination of its multimarket activities. When all these are carefully managed then the organisation is able to achieve its competitive or corporate advantage. Corporate strategy involves the following; vision which is the ambitious aspiration of a company, for example; Amways CSR global strategic vision is to make life better for children, Goals and Objectives; short and medium-term quantitative targets e.g. Amway raising funds for good causes, resource; these are skills assets and capabilities of the firm, business; this is the industry by which the firm operates, Amway sells health and beauty products and it has extended its product portfolio to household. Structure; the way the corporation is divided into discrete units Systems; set of formal policies and routine and Processes; informal elem ents of the organizational activities. (Bower, 1970). Corporate Advantage results from a harmonious combination of the above elements which work together to create value of the company. The Strategic Planning Process The top down model which has a structure of top down is followed my quite a few big companies in the year 1970. According to this model the process in which strategic planning takes place became deliberate which involves high level managements who constructs the company strategy and further they push is over to organization for execution.(Nolan 1993). . The following is a flowchart model of this process: Mission | V Objectives | V Situation Analysis | V Strategy Formulation | V Implementation | V Control Organizational Mission The mission of the company is basically reason of its existence. Mission is generally presented in the form mission statement, which mainly explains the reasons for employee and work also the companies market image to customer. In the process of strategic formulation, this statement decides where company basically wants to go. Organizational Objectives Objectives are fixed targets that the organization wants to reach, generally in terms of most of organization its earning profit. The objectives is always challenging but should be reachable. The objective is countable enough for company as it can keep a track on its progress and also areas in which improvement needed. Organizational Situation Analysis Once firm has decided its target, it starts with its existing situation to make a strategic plan to reach those targets. Modification in the surrounding environment normally creates new opportunities and new ways to reach the targets. An environmental scan is performed to identify the available opportunities. The firm should know its own merits and demerits in order to select the scope that it can pursue with a more chances of success. The external surrounding consist of two aspects: the macro-environment which generally has affects on all companies and a micro-environment that impacts only the companies in a specific industry. The macro-environmental analysis consist of political, economic, social, and technological factors and sometimes is considered as a PEST analysis. ( Ansoff,1987) The situation analysis can produce huge amount of data, which is not mainly related to strategy building. To create the information and make it more manageable, it sometimes is beneficial to separate the internal factors of the company as strengths and weaknesses, and the external environmental factors as opportunities and threats. Such an analysis often is referred to as a SWOT analysis.( Brooksbank,1996) Organizational Strategy Formulation Once a clear image of the company and its surrounding is with you, particular strategic alternatives can be produced. While multiple company having multiple options differing from their situation. Michael Porter identified cost leadership, differentiation, and focus as three generic strategies that may be considered when defining strategic alternatives. Porter advised against implementing a combination of these strategies for a given product; rather, he argued that only one of the generic strategy alternatives should be pursued.( MIcheal Porter,2004) Organizational strategic Implementation The strategies are mostly shown in top-level specific terms and priorities. The existence of strategy in functional policies mainly highlights all the topics which are not easily visible or even accessible at higher level. Generally the strategy are shifted to particular policies in functional domain like Marketing, R D, Procurement, Production, Human resources, Information systems. The one of the important task involved in this process is identifying all the available resources and then further arranging them at right place in the company. Organizational Control After any strategy being implemented then further ahead at each stage the strategy gets measured and recalculated in order to make changes subject to requirement. The special control system is generally being facilitate to look after this. Performance is generally standardized to particular level and every individual performance is cross checked to ensure the success of the objective. The whole process and the end result of success generally can be seen via tools such as Dashboard etc STAKEHOLDERS: Stakeholders is generally a person, group or company which has direct or indirect share in an cmpany. The concept stakeholder was developed by R. Edward Freeman in year 1980. They can be either external or internal to the organisation. There are various types of stakeholders which can be one of the following: Employees, Communities, Shareholders, Investors, Government, Suppliers, Labour Unions, Government regulatory Agencies, Industry Trade Groups, Professional Associates, NGOs, Prospective employees, Prospective customers, Local communities, National Communities, Public (Community), and Competitors. Further more internal stakeholders are the ones who are generally a members of the business organisation and they can also inclusive of Owners and shareholders, managers, staff and employees Mainly External stakeholders are not considered as a part of the company; where as few groups has both internal and external stakeholders. Such as staff or shareholders who are also local residents. Also External stakeholders present outside the company but has a direct interest in what it does. All stakeholders are not essentially equal and are entitled to different considerations. First is to establish who exactly your stakeholders are. Communication of Strategy With stake holders Amway have a wide range of stake holders, whereby each one of them have interest in the company. These are as follow: Global headquarters Amway Europe; they are interested in the growth of the business and want to see the CSR strategy matches with the company strategy as a whole. Amway regularly communicates with them through publications and updating their sites regularly. ABOs; the main interest is that they want to see the company (Amway UK) being a responsible caring organization at the same time as helping them earn some money. Communication is through face to face i.e. regular meetings example in 2005 they organized a joint briefing for ABO leaders, printed materials and Emails Customers; they are more interested in good quality products which meet their needs as well as being efficient. Normally Amway uses direct selling for their product which is door to door hence they are able to meet them face to face. Staff; it is at interest of any staff in a company to work for an organ ization which does the right thing and which make them feel comfortable at work place, this could be in terms of having good training in place among other needs. Main method of communication is face to face either with their managers etc. AMWAYS Business Strategy Amway being a global direct sales company, works with around three million ABOs in over 80 countries. These ABOs form the links with consumers and the communities in which they operate by offering and selling them a wide range of Amways own branded products. ABOs are stakeholders in Amway. Amway manufactures and then distributes a range of their branded products to the ABOs worldwide, the typical products that ABOs sell include: Skin care and cosmetics, Personal care, e.g.; fragrances, body care, etc, Clothing and footwear, Cookware, Water treatment systems and Nutrition and wellness products such as food supplements, food and drinks. The ABOs are self employed and are highly motivated people, hence the Amways support in enabling people to have their own businesses. The ABOs operate their business independently as small businesses and develop direct supply channels and sell the products to people who they know or meet. They also introduce others to the Amway business, this chain is shown in a simple diagram on the following page: Source: The ABOs work to Amways rules of conduct and code of Ethics, which are about being honest and responsible in trading, Amway places strong emphasis on the ABOs since they are more able to focus on individual customers and their needs, hence serving them better and building lasting relations with them. They work in a self regulatory environment, and should also have a flexible approach to business. However as mentioned earlier they sign a contract to work within Amways rules of conduct and code of Ethics, since they are the final and the most influential contact with the end consumers in the supply chain, and if they do not operate within the set rules it could bring a bad impression on the company. CONCLUSION: Base on our findings we have been able to find out how Amway have been successful in doing their business. Amway have been able to succeed in developing hundreds of product they sell through direct selling, though they engage in direct selling method they have few retail outlet whereby customers can purchase their products. Stakeholders are integral part of the business today and their contribution shape the success of the business as a whole, clearly Amway ensures that by meeting their needs at all aspects of their business. Today many businesses need to have a Strategy the way they do their business it is important because it reinforces the strength between the business owners and the stakeholders at large. Amway take this aspect seriously in the way they do their business and tries to be ethical in what they do especially when they are conducting business in different countries it is important to respect rules and regulation of each country. Good communication is important in any business today, either internally or externally, Amway have strategic communication in place and this enables them to be able to do business and they continue to improve on their communication through innovation and development of software and communication networks. All this have helped to shape Amway and enabled them to be one of the best Corporation Globally today.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Opium War :: essays research papers
The Opium War      The Opium War, directed by Jin Xie, paints a rather impartial account of the Opium War, starting with the appointment of Lin Zexu to end the opium trade in China to the signing of the Treaty of Nanking. This film seemed to fairly depict the faults of both the Chinese and the British during the 1830’s and up to 1842. That said, The Opium War illustrated two important factors that both helped to promote the conflict and eventual military confrontation between China and Britain.      The first is the state of the Chinese government at the time of the opium trade. There was enough corruption within the government itself that it was very difficult to halt trading at its source. The trading company that dealt with the British merchants often had to bribe officials with opium in order to complete their business. Not only did this give incentive for the local government officials to continue allowing the trading, it made it difficult to find and prosecute all the parties involved. When Lin Zexu saw the accounts record, he could not believe that so many officials were involved, and he went as far as to say that prosecuting them all means he would have to â€Å"kill every official in Guangzhou.†Indeed even some of his own officials were opium users, forcing Lin Zexu to bend the rules, saying â€Å"to err is human.†     While it was hard enough to stamp out opium trade from China, it was even more difficult for the Chinese government to accept the demands of the British. At this time in history, China had grown too sure of itself and presumed itself to be the greatest world power. This sort of arrogant and decrepit government is shown in the old and frail officials advising the emperor on actions against the British. Even after an initial attack and as war is looming between the two nations, China is still so sure of its power that the emperor, instead of asking for a truce, â€Å"grants†a truce for the British. At this point however, it is interesting to note that it is somewhat unclear what the intentions of the Chinese government are. The officials are seemingly divided on whether to appease the British or to wage open war. As China negotiated with Britain however, it seems that the Chinese were eager to appease any demands because they were already unsure of their abi lity to defend themselves against a naval attack.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Modern dance Essay
Question 1 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The French court ballet reached its height during the reign of Louis XIV, whose very birth had been celebrated by the _______________ of 1639. A. Ballet de la Felicite B. Ballet de la coutisane appele C. Ballet de Madame D. Ballet de la Deliverance de Renaud ANS:A The dancers in the earliest ballets were highly skilled professionals capable of feats of strength and agility. True False ANS:F In an effort to convey some meaning to the viewer, 18th century choreographers were inspired to evolve the ________________, which attempted to unfold a story purely in terms of movement. A. commedia dell’arte B. ballet d’action C. break dancing D. pantomime ANS:B The rise of the court ballet in France paralleled the birth of opera in Italy, and coincided with the opening of the first public theatres in France as well as the rise of the great French playwrights Corneille and Racine. True False ANS:T Both France and Italy contributed to the development of the court ballet. True False Answer Key: True Question 2 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) As the 17th century progressed, ballet in France was gradually transformed from the diversion of noble amateurs into a professional art. True False Answer Key: True Question 3 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Dancing in general in the 16th and 17th century court was considered a means of socializing the individual and drawing him into harmony with the group, and formed an important part of the education of a gentleman. True False Answer Key: True Question 4 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) In Vienna (1740’s), who began to create dramatic ballets inspired by the stories of mythological lovers? A. Jean Georges Noverre B. Franz Anton Hilverding C. Maximilien Gardel D. Jean Dauberval. Answer Key: B Question 5 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Most of the early court ballet themes were derived from literary sources, and the ballets themselves included spoken or sung verses which were called _______. A. recits B. intermedii C. trionfi D. libretto Answer Key: A Question 6 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) _____________who made her debut at the Paris Opera in 1726, was a brilliant technician, excelling in beaten steps such as entrechats and cabrioles. Audiences were charmed with her sprightliness and vivacity. A. Marie Camargo B. Marie Salle. C. Marie Taglioni D. Marie Osmond Answer Key: A Question 7 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The court ballet, who’s chief purpose was to glorify the State, was a carefully calculated mixture of _____________. A. art and politics B. politics and entertainment C. both a and b Answer Key: C Question 8 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The French court ballet reached its height during the reign of Louis XIV, whose very birth had been celebrated by the _______________ of 1639. A. Ballet de la Felicite B. Ballet de la coutisane appele C. Ballet de Madame D. Ballet de la Deliverance de Renaud Answer Key: A Question 9 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the 18th century ballerina who was admired for her dazzling virtuosity, especially in the beaten jumps called entrechats? A. Marie Camargo B. Marie Salle C. Marie Taglioni D. Marie Osmond Answer Key: A Question 10 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who succeeded Jean Georges Noverre as director at the Paris Opera? A. Franz Anton Hilverding B. Maximilien Gardel C. Jean Dauberval D. both b and c Answer Key: D Question 11 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). The playwright Moliere’s comedies-ballets may be viewed as a transitional form between the court ballet and the professional theatrical art that was developing in 1661. True False Answer Key: True Question 12 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) During the era of the Ballet d’Action, the range of topics that had been successfully treated included __________________. A. mythological tales B. classical tragedies C. historical dramas D. love stories and pastorals E. all of the above Answer Key: E Question 13 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). The Academie de Musique was later to be known familiarly as the Paris Opera. True False Answer Key: True Question 14 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The 18th century was an age of brilliant dancers, and both dancers and choreographer felt that dance should convey some meaning to the viewer, which inspired the evolution ballet d’action, which unfolded a story purely in terms of movement. True False Answer Key: True Question 15 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) In 1738, Jean-Baptiste Lande established a school which would eventually become the school of the Kirov Ballet at the Maryinsky Theatre. True False Answer Key: True Question 16 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who is credited with identifying the five positions of the feet upon which all ballet steps are based, systematizing the method of teaching dance, and devising a system of dance notation? A. Pierre Rameau B. Phlippe Quinault C. Pierre Beauchamp D. Pierre Perrin Answer Key: C Question 17 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The different components of early French court ballets included _________. A. dance and music B. poetry and music C. dance and design D. poetry and dance E. all of the above Answer Key: E. Question 18 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) During the era of Moliere’s comedies-ballets, professional dancers began to evolve technical feats that demanded a high degree of training and skill, such as _________________. A. pirouettes B. cabrioles C. entrechats D. all of the above Answer Key: D Question 19 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which ballet was first performed on the proscenium stage of the theatre of the Palais-Royal in 1641? A. Ballet de la Felicite B. Ballet des Voleurs C. Ballet des Fees de la Foret de Saint-German D. Ballet de la Prosperite des armes de la France Answer Key: D. Question 20 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the choreographer of Ballet Comique de la Reine Louise, presented in 1581? A. Jean-Antoine de Baif B. Catherine de’ Medici C. Louis XIV D. Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx Answer Key: D Question 21 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who rose to prominence in the French court thanks to his talents as a dancer, violinist and composer, and dominated the Paris Opera from 1672 until his death in 1687? A. Pierre Perrin B. Peirre Beauchamp C. Jean-Baptiste Lully D. Claude Balon Answer Key: C Question 22 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Who was to become the 18th century’s most aggressive proponent of the ballet d’action? A. Jean Georges Noverre B. Franz Anton Hilverding C. Maximilien Gardel D. Jean Dauberval Answer Key: A Question 23 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The Development of the Ballet d’Action showed that ballet was an art of considerable flexibility. True False Answer Key: True Question 24 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) ‘The Art of Dancing’ was the first completed notation system to record dance steps with abstract symbols. True False Answer Key: True Question 25 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). When the 18th century ended, ballet had established itself as a legitimate vehicle for dramatic expression, and not merely a decorative adjunct to an opera or play. True False Answer Key: True Part 1 of 1  Multiple Choice/True False     Score: 50   (of possible 50 points) Please choose the best possible answer for the following questions. Question 1 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which ballet was a showcase for four jewels of the Romantic ballet? A. Giselle B. La Sylphide C. Pas de Quatre D. La Esmeralda Answer Key: C Question 2 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Although Russia played the role of follower rather than a leader in the world of dance until the late 19th-century, the situation was reversed between 1890 and 1910 by the works of French born choreographer ________ and Russian choreographer ________. A. Jules Perrot, Adam Gluszowski B. Jean Coralli, Alexander Benois C. Marius Petipa, Mikhail Fokine D. Philippo Taglioni, Vaslav Nijinsky Answer Key: C Question 3 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Ballet’s of the Romantic era dealt with mystical, or supernatural themes and included characters such as ____________. A. sylphides B. water nymphs C. fire spirits D. peris E. demons F. all of the above Answer Key: F Question 4 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was the composer for The Rite of Spring. True False Answer Key: False Question 5 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the lead dancer in the 1911 performance of L’Apres-midi d’un faune? A. Rudolph Nureyev B. George Balanchine C. Merce Cunningham D. Vaslav Nijinsky Answer Key: D Question 6 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which ballet was considered a deliberate affront to art, and resulted in a violent reaction by audience members at its debut, including hisses, catcalls and fighting? A. Scheherazade B. Petrouchka C. Le Spectre de la Rose D. The Rite of Spring Answer Key: D Question 7 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Viennese ballerina Fanny Elssler (rival to Taglioni) was known for her precision and rapid execution of small quick steps. True False Answer Key: True Question 8 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the founder of Ballet Russes? A. Serge Diaghilev B. Alexandre Benois C. Leon Bakst D. Konstantin Stanislavsky Answer Key: A Question 9 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the leading costume and set designer for the Ballets Russes? A. Serge Diaghilev B. Alexandre Benois C. Leon Bakst D. Konstantin Stanislavsky Answer Key: C Question 10 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the choreographer in the 1911 performance of L’Apres-midi d’un faune A. Rudolph Nureyev B. George Balanchine C. Merce Cunningham D. Vaslav Nijinsky Answer Key: D Question 11 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which dancer of the Ballet Russes was known for his legendary elevation and ability to ‘hover’ in the air, as well as his controversial performances? A. Michel Fokine B. Vaslav Nijinsky C. Adolph Bolm. Answer Key: B Question 12 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The stage and costume design that Leon Baskst created for ________ in 1910 sparked new fashions in the worlds of dress design and interior decoration. A. Scheherazade B. Le Spectre de la Rose C. Petrouchka D. L’Apres-midi d’un faune Answer Key: A Question 13 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The classical ballet’s sense of clarity, harmony, symmetry and order is demonstrated by the crystallization of the pas de deux. True False Answer Key: True Question 14 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). The adoption of the soft, close-fitting slipper in the late 18th century paved the way for the ballerina’s rise to the tips of her toes, eventually known as pointe technique. True False Answer Key: True Question 15 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which composer was commissioned by the Imperial Theatres to write the music for Sleeping Beauty, replacing previous poorly esteemed specialists? A. Igor Stravinsky B. Ivan Vsevolojsky C. Frederic Chopin D. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Answer Key: D Question 16 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was the composer for the ballets Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, and Swan Lake. True False Answer Key: True Question 17 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) What was perhaps the most important single influence on 19th-century ballet? A. Classicism B. Neo-Classicism C. Modernism D. Romanticism Answer Key: D Question 18 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which ballet, first produced at the Paris Opera on 12 March 1832, was such a perfect expression of Romantic urgings that it immediately changed the face of the ballet of its time. A. Swan Lake B. Petrouchka. C. Giselle D. La Sylphide Answer Key: D Question 19 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which choreographer was one of the creators of Giselle, a gifted dancer himself, did most of his dramatic ballets in London, and whose work was part of the international expansion of the Romantic ballet? Answer Key: B Question 20 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The costume which had been shortened since Taglioni’s day, and had become the ballerina’s uniform and mark of status, was called the tutu. True False Answer Key: True Question 21 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Marie Taglioni was known for her effortlessness, lightness and fluidity of movement. True False Answer Key: True Question 22 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which Romantic ballet masterpiece, first produced at the Paris Opera, is credited with immediately changing the face of the ballet of its time? A. Giselle B. Pas de Quatre C. La Esmeralda D. La Sylphide Answer Key: D Question 23 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which female dancer first had the title role in La Sylphide? A. Marie Taglioni B. Fanny Elssler C. Carlotta Grisi D. Lucile Grahn E. Fanny Cerrito Answer Key: A. Question 24 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) In La Sylphide, ____________’s effortlessness, lightness and fluidity of movement, which, coupled with her chaste and modest bearing, made her appear to be indeed an airy being innocent of human lusts and desires. A. Marie Camargo B. Marie Salle C. Marie Taglioni D. Marie Osmond Answer Key: C Question 25 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The ballet of the Romantic period was immortalized by the paintings and drawings of which famous artist? A. Claude Monet B. Michelangelo C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Edgar Degas Answer Key: D. Part 1 of 1  Multiple Choice/True False     Score: 50   (of possible 50 points) Question 1 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The style known as _______ built upon and extended the formalism of Petipa’s era, giving it new interest without violating the rules of clarity and order. A. classical ballet B. neoclassical ballet C. modern dance D. pre-modern dance Answer Key: B Question 2 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The Denishawn school offered its students a richly varied curriculum, including ballet (performed without shoes), free-flowing exercises for the arms and torso, ethnic and folk dances. True False Answer Key: True Question 3 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The last great ballet of Diaghilev’s era was _______ . A. Les Biches B. Le Train Bleu C. The Prodigal Son D. The Sleeping Princess Answer Key: C Question 4 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Ted Shawn and his Men Dancers, was dedicated to proving that dancing was a highly masculine activity. True False Answer Key: True Question 5 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which oganization created the Federl Dance Project which produced Helen Tamiris’s How Long Brethren? in 1935 as part of its effort to alleviate the widespread unemployment of the depression, and marked the first time public funds had been used in the U. S. to create dance works? A. Works Progress Administration B. New Dance Group C. Worker’s Dance League Answer Key: A Question 6 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who was the choreographer of Apollo and The Prodical Son, the only two ballets he made for Diaghilev that have survived to the present day? A. George Balanchine B. Leonide Massine C. Serge Lifar D. Kasian Goleizovsky Answer Key: A Question 7 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Which Cubist artist disigned sets and costumes for for the ballets Parade, Le Tricorne, Pulcinella, and Cuadro Flamenco in the early 1900’s? A. Fernand Legar B. Francis Picabia C. Pablo Picasso D. Leon Bakst Answer Key: C Question 8 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which of these post-Denishawn pioneers had a lighter touch which provided a welcome relief in the serious, somtimes somber world of Modern dance? A. Martha Graham B. Doris Humphrey C. Charles Weidman D. Erick Hawkins Answer Key: C Question 9 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Which two dancers held doctoral degrees in anthropology, did field work in Africa and the Carribean, and were the leaders of the Black dance movement in the 30’s and 40’s? A. Lester Horton and Jose Limon B. Katherine Dunham and Pearl Primus C. Helen Tamiris and Edith Segal D. La Meri and Ruth St. Denis Answer Key: B Question 10 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) After Fokine and Nijinsky left The Ballet Russes, Diaghilev groomed which dancer as the next choreographer? A. George Balanchine B. Serge Lifar C. Anna Pavlova D. Leonide Massine Answer Key: D Question 11 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Which American dancer was the symbol of female longings, well-hidden or perhaps even unconscious, for emancipation from the traditional roles of wife and mother, for sexual freedom and personal fulfillment? A. Loie Fuller B. Isadora Duncan C. Ruth St. Denis D. Kate Vaughan Answer Key: B Question 12 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) In Russia a period of experimentalism followed the 1917 Revolution. True False Answer Key: True Question 13 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which of the following is true about Modern dance of the 1930’s and 40’s? embodied the complexities and contradictions of the modern world B. It confronted the grim realities of life, but also found a place for lyricism and humor C. it sought to express the American heritage, yet it also recognized the ethnic diversity of Americans and tried to convey this through dance D. all of the above are true Answer Key: D Question 14 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which American dancer drew inspiration from many cultures and choreographed Radha, an exotic evocation of hindu temple dancing? A. Isadora Duncan B. Loie Fuller C. Ruth St. Denis D. Ted Shawn Answer Key: C Question 15 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who spurned the decorative prettiness of contemporary ballet in favor of a style that emphasized emotional intensity and strong, stark movements? A. Doris Humphrey B. Rudolph Laban C. Hanya Holm D. Mary Wigman Answer Key: D Question 16 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) What year was the term ‘Modern Dance’ coined? A. 1950 B. 1910 C. 1890 D. 1927 Answer Key: D Question 17 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Martha Graham searched for the fundamental principles of movement. She evolved theories that became the basis of her dance technique. The basic human function of breathing inspired Graham’s theory of ________________. A. fall and recovery B. swoop and swirl C. contraction and release D. twist and turn Answer Key: C Question 18 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who found ideas for her dances in natural phenomena such as the movement of wind and waves, and drew upon ordinary actions such as walking, running, skipping and jumping: the normal ‘movement repertory’ of human beings? A. Isadora Duncan B. Mary Wigman C. Martha Graham D. Doris Humphrey Answer Key: A Question 19 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Which American dancer eschewed the technical virtuosity of ballet, was not particularly interested in storytelling or expressing emotions through dance, and devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights and colors on the voluminous skirts or draperies she wore? A. Isadora Duncan B. Ruth St. Denis C. Loie Fuller D. Kate Vaughan Answer Key: C Question 20 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which ballerina performed the following pieces inspired by natural images: Dragonfly (1915), California Poppy (1915) and the best known of all, The Dying Swan, which Fokine had choreographed for her in 1907? A. Natalia Makarova B. Fanny Elssler C. Anna Pavlova Answer Key: C Question 21 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which organization was a confederation of dance groups founded in 1933 for the purpose of political activism through dance? A. Works Progress Administration B. New Dance Group C. Federal Dance Project D. Workers’ Dance League Answer Key: D Question 22 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which Modern dancer used West Indian and African dance as the basis for her powerful works on black themes? A. Isadora Duncan B. Martha Graham C. Yvonne Rainer D. Pearl Primus Answer Key: D. Question 23 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who served as musical director for the Denishawn company and encouraged both St. Denis and Shawn to commission new scores by American composers? A. Louis Horst B. Johannes Brahms C. John Cage D. Igor Stravinsky Answer Key: A Question 24 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which early 20th century Russian experimentalist believed choreographers should study the orchestral scores of their ballets so that their choreography would reflect musical qualities such as instrumental color and dynamics? A. Fyodor Lopukhov B. Kasian Goleizovsky. C. Nicholas Sergeyev D. Olga Spessivtseva Answer Key: A Question 25 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The subject of Isadora Duncan’s choreography was the soul: universal emotions, responses and aspirations. True False Answer Key: True Part 1 of 1  Multiple Choice/True False/Matching     Score: 48   (of possible 50 points) Question 1 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which American dancer combined ballet, tap, jazz, ballroom and gymnastics in his musicals and films, which he often choreographed and directed as well as performed? A. Fred Astaire B. George Balanchine C. Mark Morris D. Gene Kelly Answer Key: D Question 2 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which 20th century American choreographer created the light hearted ballet Fancy Free for Ballet Theater which was later expanded into a highly successful musical comedy, On the Town? A. Roland Petit B. Anthony Tudor C. Jerome Robbins D. Peter Martins Answer Key: C Question 3 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Danced to a score by Aaron Copland, which ballet was one of the most successful pieces mounted by the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and was the work of American choreographer Agnes de Mille? A. Graduatuin Ball (1940) B. Rodeo (1942) C. Night Shadow (1946) D. A Tradegy of Fashion (1926) Answer Key: B Question 4 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which young ballerina took over Alicia Markova’s roles when she left in 1935, and went on to create many roles in Frederick Ashton’s ballets? A. Marie Rambert B. Margot Fonteyn C. Ninette de Valois D. Tamara Toumanova Answer Key: B Question 5 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) By the _______ ballet was well on its way to becoming a truly international art, with no single city as the center of the dance world. A. 1930s. B. 1940s C. 1950s D. 1960s Answer Key: C Question 6 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Although the deaths of Diaghilev in 1929 and Pavlova in 1931 began to weaken the Russian monopoly on western ballet, the tradition of the Ballet Russes was carried on in new ballet companies which sprang up in Britain, France and the U. S in the 1930s and 40s. True False Answer Key: True Question 7 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who first esablished the School of American Ballet, after recognizing the need for good dance training in America? A. George Balanchine B. Agnes de Mille C. Serge Lifar D. Lucia Chase Answer Key: A Question 8 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Freed by Cunningham and Nikolais from the necessity of storytelling or self-expression, the choreographers of the sixties began to explore new approaches to conceiving and structuring dances. True False Answer Key: True Question 9 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who organized the first dance concert in 1962 at Judson Memorial Church, which became a center for artistic and intellectual activities and the home of the group known as Judson Dance Theater? A. Trisha Brown B. Kenneth King C. Simone Forti D. Robert Dunn Answer Key: D Question 10 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) In Cunningham’s works, although music occupies the same timespan as the choreography, and design the same physical space, neither has to relate in any other way to the dancing. True False Answer Key: True Question 11 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which choreographer’s technique uses contact improvisation, in which the performers alternately take each other’s weight without using their hands, and requires a highly developed sense of balance and a capacity for rapport with others? A. Steve Paxton B. David Gordon C. Douglas Dunn D. Trisha Brown Answer Key: A Question 12 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Merce Cunningham is known for frequently collaborating with avant-garde composer: A. Scott Joplin B. George Gershwin C. John Cage D. Sergei Rachmaninoff Answer Key: C Question 13 of 23     Score: 0   (of possible 2 points) Which choreographer rebelled against what he viewed as the modern dance’s preoccupation with self? A. Paul Taylor B. Merce Cunningham C. Alvin Ailey D. Alwin Nikolais Answer Key: D Question 14 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Although the extreme experiments of the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s have been abandoned or softened with time, their impact has had which of the following effects on our conceptions of dance today? A. there is now more latitude in the types of movement generally accepted as dance B. there is more freedom of choice in choreographic method, performing style, costume, performing space and other elements of presentation C. it helped dissolve the myth that a dancer had to be trained practically from the cradle D. all of the above Answer Key: D Question 15 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Louis Horst’s review of Paul Taylor’s program ‘Seven New Dances’, published in Dance Observer of November 1957, consisted of a blank space. True False Answer Key: True Question 16 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which choreographer used everyday movements such as walking, running and sitting – an objective reminiscent of Isadora Duncan’s? A. Paul Taylor B. Lucinda Childs C. Anna Sokolow D. Martha Graham Answer Key: A Question 17 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Merce Cunningham has been recognized during his lifetime as one of the most innovative and influential choreographers of the 20th Century. True False Answer Key: True Question 18 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who said â€Å"I want man to be able to identify with things other than himself. We must give up our navel contemplations long enough to take our place in space. †A. Meredith Monk B. Alwin Nikolais C. Twyla Tharp D. David Gordon Answer Key: B Question 19 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The artists involved with Judson Dance Theater were avant-garde experimentalists who embraced the confines of Modern dance practice and theory. True False Answer Key: False. Question 20 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Cunningham sees randomness and arbitrariness as positive qualities in making dances because they are never conditions of real life. True False Answer Key: False Question 21 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who choreographed the radical work, Duet (1957), in which he and his pianist remained motionless for the duration of the dance, which was accompanied by a ‘non-score’ by John Cage. A. Merce Cunningham B. Paul Taylor C. Gene Kelly D. Mikhail Baryshnikov Answer Key: B. Question 22 of 23     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who said: â€Å"NO to spectacle no to virtuosity no to transformations and magic and make-believe no to the glamour and transcendency of the star image no to the heroic no to the anti-heroic no to trash imagery no to involvement of performer or spectator no to style no to camp no to seduction of spectator by the wiles of the performer no to eccentricity no to moving or being moved. †A. Yvonne Rainer B. Twyla Tharp C. Alvin Ailey D. Mikhail Baryshnikov Answer Key: A Question 23 of 23     Score: 6   (of possible 6 points). Please match the following descriptions with the correct answers Match Choice 1. Two major ballet companies in Soviet Russia initially known in the 1920s and 30s to encourage a predilection towards drama for political purposes. Select A. B. C. A. Kirov and Bolshoi Ballets 2. In contrast to the Ballet Russe companies, with their cosmopolitan roster and perennial touring, several companies in England began to develop a smaller scale national identity in the 1920s and 30’s Select A. B. C. B. Ballet Rambert and Sadler’s Wells Ballet 3. After Diaghilev’s death in 1929, and his company had disbanded, its name and heritage were claimed by two rival companies. Select A. B. C. C. Basil Ballets Russes and Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo Answer Key: 1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – C Part 1 of 1  Multiple Choice     Score: 50   (of possible 50 points) Question 1 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Although Alvin Ailey is usually classified as a modern dancer, he often employed the hybrid form of ‘modern ballet’ in works created for his multi-racial group, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. True False Answer Key: True Question 2 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Life, death, and metamorphosis are _______’s principle themes. A. Butoh B. Tanztheater C. Minimalism D. Hip-hop Answer Key: A Question 3 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which choreographer of the Royal Ballet, produced many evening-long dramatic works including Romeo and Juliet (1965). A. Kenneth MacMillan B. Sir Frederick Ashton C. David Gordon D. Yuri Grigorovich Answer Key: A Question 4 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) When did modern dance choreographers first begin to set pieces for ballet companies? A. early 1930’s B. late 1940’s C. mid 1950’s D. early 1970’s Answer Key: B Question 5 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Which organization, established in 1984, has encouraged many American dance companies to take new risks by funding their collaboration with progressive choreographers? A. The Take a Risk Foundation B. National Endowment for the Arts C. The National Choreography Project D. none of the above Answer Key: C Question 6 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Twyla Tharp has been a favorite guest choreographer and has mounted works for American Ballet Theatre featuring the Russian premier danseur ________________. A. George Balanchine B. Alexander Gudunov C. Michel Fokine D. Mikhail Baryshnikov Answer Key: D Question 7 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) The term _______ became widely used in the 1970’s to describe certain types of peices by visual artists. A. punk B. story ballet C. performance art D. formalism Answer Key: C Question 8 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points). Riverdance is a show which presents the traditional dance form called _______ in a glamorous new package, performed by a large and proficient young cast with a high degree of energy and precision. A. Baroque dancing B. Ballroom dancing C. Court dancing D. Irish step dancing Answer Key: D Question 9 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) Who choreographed Still/Here which was perceived as the choreographer’s response to the death from AIDS of his partner Arnie Zane, and his own HIV positive status? A. Mark Morris B. Matthew Bourne. C. Bill T. Jones D. Garth Fagan Answer Key: C Question 10 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) A major offshoot of of modern dance, _______ , arose in Germany and is perhaps best known through the works of Pina Bausch. A. Butoh B. Minimalism C. Tanztheater D. Hip-hop Answer Key: C Question 11 of 25     Score: 2   (of possible 2 points) _______ is an urban culture created by rap musicians which encompasses music, dance and fashion. A. Butoh B. Minimalism C. Tanztheater D. Hip-hop Answer Key: D Question 12 of 25     Score.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Leadership Theories
Leadership Theories Theorists have formulated several leadership theories in the past. Leadership styles and theories which were used several years ago are not the same as the ones used today. Hernsey and Blenchard’s theory of situational leadership allows leaders to adopt various leadership styles that match with development levels of their followers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leaders adopt leadership styles which are dependent on readiness and willingness of their followers to perform required tasks. When followers are not mature, their competence and motivation of is low, but it increases as they mature (Hernsey and Blenchard, 1976). According to McGregory (1960), theory X and theory Y assumptions encompasses style, behavior, situation, and adaptation to the situation. These theories resulted in development of other situational theories. Fried Fielder’s (1967) c ontingency theory argues that there is no one best way of leading. It identifies situations when task-oriented approach is more effective, and when a relationship style would be more productive. Fielder concluded that task-oriented leaders are effective when conditions are either very favorable for the leader or which are very unfavorable for the leader (Fiedler, 1967, p.13). When situation is favorable, members are ready and willing to work because their leaders support job performance. When conditions are unfavorable, group members will need to remain goal-oriented for them to achieve any success. In stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it (Fielder, 1967). In Hersey/Blanchard theory of situational leadership model, there is no best way to lead. Leaders must be able to adapt to situations and modify their leadership style to be more effective. The level of maturity of a group will determine the most effective leadership style (Hersey and Blanchard, 1976). A leader assesses maturity of a group to come up with the amount of guidance needed. Immature group requires direction and goal-oriented behavior from their leader. At this stage, task-oriented leadership is required since followers are eager to accept guidance when they feel uncertain about a task. As a group matures, it builds a relationship with its leader.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Task-related behavior decrease as relationship behavior takes charge. A two-way communication develops and members are involved by their leader in decision making. As maturity increases, the leader delegates responsibility to the next step in the process (Hersey and Blanchard, 1976). In contingency theory, leadership style is determined by situations and can only be changed based on the relationship between members and their leaders. A leader can adopt a leadership style and use it as situation may demand. On the other hand, Hersey/Blanchard theory of situational leadership model depends on maturity of group members for a leadership style. Immature group requires close guidance and one-way communication where the members are told what to do, when and how they do it. Leadership style changes to a relationship when a group is mature enough. The style later changes to a two-way communication where members are involved in decision making and responsibilities delegated. Role of Leaders in Organizational Ethics Leaders play an important role in developing ethical business organizations. If a manager does not portray a positive behavior, other employees are likely to follow suit and business organization become unethical. Leaders should use idealistic visions and persuasive communication styles to motivate their followers. Ethical behaviors have a role in credibility, and the ability of leaders to ha ve a positive influence on their followers (Piccolo et al. 2010). Ethical leadership captures employees’ perceptions of ethical behavior inferred from leader’s conduct. When leaders demonstrate a normative appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and promote such conduct to their followers through communication, reinforcement and decision making, the result is ethical organization. Trustworthy leaders are proactive and are expected to increase cooperation among employees to promote organizational identification. This will have a positive improvement in performance and ethics in a business organization. Ethical leadership increases organizational identification.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Organizations which have leaders with poor ethics rank poorly in public and this may have a negative effect on business (Wa lumbwa et al. 2010). Exchange of positive behaviors between ethical leaders and members through trust, open communication, information sharing and liking of followers, contribute to ethical behavior in an organization. According to Bandura (1977), leaders influence their followers by way of modeling process. This is one of the most powerful ways of transmitting values, attitudes and behaviors. Employees learn how to do something by observing their leaders. Leaders can be good models by virtue of their assigned roles, their status, success in the organization and the power to affect the behavior and outcomes of their followers in an organization (Bandura, 1977). Leaders act as role models to their junior employees. Even when other employees do not envy their leader, portraying ethical behavior will ensure that all employees emulate deeds of their leaders. Leaders who are not honest or trustworthy are likely to encourage dishonesty and lack of trust among their followers. Leaders gain trust of their followers when they act in a generally acceptable and consistent manner regarding how leaders should behave in a workplace. References Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Fiedler, F.E. (1967). A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: Mcgraw-Hill. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. (1972). Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources (2nd ed.) New Jersey: Prentice Hall.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mcgregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: Mcgraw-Hill. Piccolo, R. F., Greenbaum, R., Hartog, D.N., Folger, R. (2010). The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Core Job Characteristics. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 259–278. Walumbwa, F.O., Mayer, D.M., Wang, P., Wang, H., Workman, K., Christensen, A.L. (2010). Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Performance: The Roles of Leader–Member Exchange, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Identification. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115, 204–213.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Avoid War essays
Avoid War essays In the years 1793-1810 war with England and France was avoided. America was at a time where they had to choose their friends from their enemies. By doing so they tried to avoid war. The reason was because they had an enormous debt to pay. The war between France and America was avoided because of the Franco-American Accord of 1800 and the war between America and England was avoided because treaties were signed such as Jays treaty and acts were passed such as the Alien Enemies Act. Tension was breaking out between France and America because of Jays Treaty. This caused problems because France thought America was siding with Great Britain. In Jay's Treaty with Great Britain (1795) it was agreed that enemy property on neutral ships should be confiscated and that neutral property on enemy ships was allowed. The French saw Jay's Treaty as a violation of the treaty of 1778, a betrayal by the United States that France had helped to free and saw the United States as now allied with Britain. The French passed new laws affecting American trade. This is how tension grew more with France, however decreased with Britain. Adams sent three commissioners to Paris to avoid a war. The French foreign minister demanded a large bribe to initiate talks and an American loan of $12 million. This was known as the XYZ Affair. This diplomatic incident in 1789 caused Congress to upgrade the navy, which was weak since the Revolutionary War. Forty new ships were built from funds. In 1798, an undeclared naval war between the United States and France erupted. This was known as the Quasi-War. What put a stop to all this nonsense between these friendly nations was the Franco-American Accord of 1800. This was a settlement reached with France that brought an alliance. The United States had to surrender all claims against the French for damages done to American shipping during the Quasi-War. This brought a closer relationship with France and ended all t...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Bhagavad Gita Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bhagavad Gita - Essay Example it as having a Western equivalent: â€Å"Hindus find in it much the same kind of inspiration and guidance which Christians find in the New Testament†(Shideler 308). While the Christian bible contains lists of do’s and don’ts, The Bhagavad-Gita takes a different view to morality. The views expressed in the work stem from the Eastern circular notion of time, as opposed to the Western linear view of time. This, among other reasons, is what makes the work difficult to Western audiences. In the Christian bible, killing another person is expressly forbidden. In The Bhagavad-Gita, taking the life of another person isn’t suggested or recommended expressly, but it isn’t viewed as absolutely right or wrong either. Of course, this is not to say that the Hindu religion doesn’t seek peace in general, either. The work begins with Arjuna pondering a moral dilemma: â€Å"Evil they may be,/ Worst of the wicked./ Yet if we kill them/ Our sin is greater./ How could we dare spill/ The blood that unites us?†All of the questions answered and asked from this stem from this original question. To Western audiences, there is an expectation of a religious work to tell you how to act. There is simplicity in something being either right or wrong. If we do not know easily if a particular action is right or wrong, that might cause a certain amount of anxiety. As time is viewed as linear in the West, there is a certain progression that is expected. The longer a person lives, the more that person knows, and the more that person is able to choose the correct path in order to lead to where this person wants to go. However, in the East, since time is circular, there is not this same progression expected: â€Å"In the Hindu view, history is a great turning of the wheel, the flowing forth of the manifestations of Brahman and its return to itself†(Shideler 309). Krishna answers Arjuna by stating that the path itself, whichever choice happens to be made, is not what is
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Who is profiling for Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Who is profiling for - Essay Example In â€Å"The Violent Kid Profile,†Mary Lord claims that the new method being used to detect violence from unpredictable students will take over the student dignity of millions of students at school. She feels profiling is wrong and is a form of offender, and she also believes that it goes against the Bill of Rights as well. Thus, some students unintentionally suffer the profiling they have no control over. In general, I agree with Mary Lord who claims that profiling has negative effects on students at high school. Those negative impacts are further discussed in this paper with specific reference to Mary Lord’s article â€Å"The Violent Kid Profile†. However, the paper does not aim to provide biased information but is designed to present both positives and negatives of profiling. One of the most crucial criticisms against profiling involves the uncertainty about the causes of the problem behavior that a teenager demonstrates. This is the weakness of profiling that it lacks exposing the actual reason behind a problem behavior and accepts the behavior as an intentional, violent act. The fact that the profiled actions might just be the similar actions performed by other teenagers in the same situation and with the same capacity is ignored! Certain actions are logical to be expected on the basis of reasonableness and situation. Lord points out that some profiles apply equivocal standards to evaluate students behaviors and provide vague standards to include students in the list of those having problems, anxiety abd related issues. She quotes Kevin Dwyer president of the National Association of school Psychologists, who describes some of these profiled behaviors as, â€Å"Listens to songs that promote violence... Appears to be an average student....Isolated... Dr ess sloppily†(Para 6). The behaviors mentioned by Kevin Dwyer are too normal to be observed in the new generation. Therefore, adding such standards to
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