Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Statement of Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Articulation of Objectives - Essay Example I have built up my abilities more by taking cooperation in examine ventures, additionally have professional training functioning as educating help. I have been arranging a vocation in software engineering for quite a while, however as an undergrad I decided on getting an incredible and strong foundation in arithmetic and science. During graduation, I have done a work as a Software Development Engineer and Test Control System to permit myself an opportunity to completely consider my arrangements and to open myself to an assortment of work circumstances. I have additionally understanding of educating at University of South Carolina Aiken as a Teaching Assistant (TA). These encounters have molded my character, gave me more certainty to deal with the basic circumstance and face the crowd in a superior manner. This methodology has been useful to me in balancing my profession plans. These encounters have cleaned my examination capacities and delivered the capacity of basic thing inside me. This activity and research encounters have given me diverse method of thinking an issue and I have a great deal of strategies to deal with, oversee , expand inquire about related issue. I have firsthand involvement in PCs in a wide exhibit of Programmed GPS units; planning pages; keeping up servers and systems administration. It has propelled me to consider manners by which I can use my control framework program information for logical research. I have taken part in many research ventures during my investigations like I have partaken in look into for the Control framework for hydrogen Center at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)- branch of vitality, another examination venture in which I have partaken is: Weighted Vertex Degrees, Eigenvalues, and Laplacian Eigenvalues at college of south carolina aiken. These are the genuine achievements that I have ever constructed in the field of software engineering. My explored ventures
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Greek Influence on the Modern Day Theater - 2816 Words
By: Christine Boldt The Greek invented the idea, or concept, of theater in the 6th century B.C. The first known formal theater was built in Athens between 550 and 534 B.C., although the oldest theater in the world is in the palace at Knossos in the northern Crete. The Ancient Greek’s way of theater and its many accomplishments greatly influenced the modern day theater and entertainment. Staring with the evolution of theater and how it evolved from religious groups in ancient Greece. There were also many great playwrights, such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, who opened the doors to a world of art. Even the construction of a play and the major types of plays, such as tragedy and comedy, are still used to this day. The way the†¦show more content†¦The playwright was a personal friend of Pericles and Herodotus of Halicarnassus, all famous Greek generals and play writes. After his death, he received heroic honors. Then there is Euripides, who lived from 485 to 406B.C. His plays are m ore exuberant than those of Sophocles and Aeschylus, often he has the heroes and heroines face difficult choices, which are finally solved by the sudden appearance of a god. Medea is probably his most famous play, and the Trojan Women can be interpreted as a protest against warfare. At the end of his life, he settled in Macedonia, where he wrote the Bacchae, a shockingly strange tragedy, which has been interpreted in many ways. His greatness was recognized by the comic poet Aristophanes, who gives Euripides many appearances in his plays and often parodies scenes from his tragedies. Lastly, there is Aeschylus, who lived from 525 to 456B.C.Aeschylus is one of the best-known Athenian tragic poets. In his plays, he addresses complex theological problems. For example, in the trilogy Agamemnon - Choephoroi - Eumenides, he describes how the gods punish a family for a series of murders. Aeschylus basic orientation was towards theology and religion. (Oates xxxiii) The Persians is a superb pl ay, in which the Athenian victory at Salamis is celebrated, written seven years after the event. Aeschylus was highly esteemed, fifty years after his death, the comic poet Aristophanes wrote a play, The Frogs, in which AeschylusShow MoreRelatedThe Greek s Victory Over Persia989 Words  | 4 Pagesnot only an era, but of cultural expansion that continues to impact our modern day society. The accomplishments and endeavors of the Ancient Greeks, both visible, such as arts and architecture, as well as intellectually in areas such as philosophy, science and government continue to influence the world today. Many or none of these influential elements of Ancient Greece would have come to fruition in such a†¦. way if the Greeks had not defeated the Persians. The freedom to think and expand providedRead MoreImpact Of Religion On Greek Theatre893 Words  | 4 Pages Religion had a very large impact on Greek theatre. Religion was related to many everyday life tasks in ancient Greece such as festivals, initiations, and oracles. Religion was a very important subject and was something they used in their everyday lives. This is why, in my opinion ,religion had a high impact on Greek theatre. â€Å" The religion of Greek people is an important aspect of the Greek culture.†(Religion in Greece Greek religion was a form of polytheism, whichRead MoreHow The Ancient Greeks And Romans Still Influence Our Modern World869 Words  | 4 Pagesimportant for students to understand how the ancient Greeks and Romans still influence our modern world. Ancient Greece was the birthplace modern mathematics, science, philosophy, architecture, literature, theater, art, architecture, Democracy, Law, and competitive sports. The term mathematics was invented by Pythagoras. It means that which is learned. In turn, mathematical theories were applied to building the great architecture of Greece. The great Greek temples are visual representations of the mathematicalRead MoreEssay on Ancient Greek Theater: the Forerunner to Modern Theatre1211 Words  | 5 Pagesto enjoy a play in a theater. Theatre and plays go back as far as â€Å"B.C.†times. Theater has been a means of art and entertainment for thousands of years dating back to the fifth century B.C. The beginning marked with the ancient Greek theaters. Over the vast years of cultural and technological evolution many things have changed. Just the same, many things have remained unscathed. In comparing and contrasting different aspects such as theater writing, technology, and theater costumes, we will becomeRead MoreRoman Theatre : A Diverse Art Form1045 Words  | 5 PagesRoman theatre initially began in 240 BC when Greek theatre was discovered and translated to Latin, then being brought to Rome. The first drama was held at Ludi Romani, the Roman Festival or the Roman Games. This occurred just before Rome became an empire in 27BC. There were many types of these festivals during a year for all sorts of reasons according to history. Theatre was, and is a diverse art form. It ranged from festival performances, street theatre, and acrobatics to eloquent tragediesRead MoreHow People Process And Document The Human Experience1196 Words  | 5 Pagesof the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella.†What I have come to known it as is how humans portray our inner feelings, thoughts, and emotions in different forms; such as art, music, theater, religion, and books. There is not much we know about the origins of theater. What we do know comes in the forms of wall paintings, artifacts, and hieroglyphics. They show the stories of successful hunts, the changing of the seasons. They also tell the stories of getting old and the storiesRead MoreGreek Architecture And The Architecture1597 Words  | 7 PagesAncient Greek architects pushed for the excellence and beauty seen in their works and it has left a lifetime of legacy behind them. Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architecture and it is one that has influenced architects for centuries. Ancient Greece was a collection of hundreds of city-states contributed throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas. Greek life was dominated by religion and politics. The religious temples and political buildings of the time were the biggest andRead MoreTheatre As A Form Of Entertainment1460 Words  | 6 Pagesstage. The coming together of all those components make up theatre, but there†™s also a small piece missing. Theatre is complete when an audience comes together to experience the play. Theatre to many people is a form of entertainment. Just like now a days people go to the movies to indulge in a form of amusement, that’s what people did as early as in the 6th century BC. When it comes to the question, â€Å"when did theatre begin,†this is still a mystery to people. Theatre differs widely from one cultureRead MoreEssay about Clash of the Titans Critique1162 Words  | 5 Pagesdepictions of ancient Greek culture. From comparing the art and architecture featured in the film to the examples we learned about in class and other examples I found myself, the film appears to be set around the high to late Greek classical period and also features influences from the Near East. Perseus is supposed to have founded Mycenae, meaning the era the movie appears to take place in is closer to the time the tale originated than when it supposedly takes place. This classic Greek myth of PerseusRead MoreGreek City States Vs. Modern Greece1244 Words  | 5 PagesGreek city-states are perfect examples of historian Peter Stearn’s definition of classical civilizations. At the height of its power between the 5th and 4th centuries, Greece’s land included â€Å"Asia Minor (in modern Turkey), southern Italy, the island of Sicily, and the Greek islands.†(Hornblower) Most of these territories were independently governed and had strong political systems primarily democracy which was born in Athens and became the basis for modern democratic governments in the United
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Split Brain Procedure - 2384 Words
Our brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere specializes in language, words, understanding and reasoning while the right hemisphere is associated with spatial awareness and creativity. Split brain is a term used to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres is severed either partially or completely. Before the proceeding with the surgical procedure, the patient’s head is either partially or completely shaven in order to gain easier access to the scalp. Once they are under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, which allows for a craniotomy to be performed. A craniotomy is an operation that allows for the temporary removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. For a partial callostomy, the anterior two-thirds is sectioned, but the posterior one-third is sectioned as well for a complete callostomy. After sectioning, the dura is closed and a portion of the cranium is replaced. The split-brain procedure was primarily done in order to stop epileptic seizures. Epileptic episodes can range from a short loss of consciousness to severely thrashing arms and legs uncontrollably. Scientists and researchers are now aware of the fact that seizures are caused by an abnormal discharge of electrical impulses throughout the brain that interrupts normal brain patterns. They were also able to figure out that severing the corpus callosum prevents the electrical discharge from dispersing through theShow MoreRelated The Human Brain Essay1341 Words  | 6 Pages Our brains weigh about three pounds and are divided into two similar looking but functionally different hemisphere, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Both of which are connected by a large bundle of nerves called the corpus collosum. In some people with severe seizure disorders such as epilepsy, it was found that if this bundle of nerves was severed their seizure would either cease or a the very least b e better controlled. From this surgical procedure it was discovered that the two hemispheresRead MoreHistory Of Split Brain Research982 Words  | 4 PagesSplit-Brain Research History of split-brain research Walter Dandy, an American neurosurgeon unintentionally paved the way into research on split-brain patients in the 1930s. Split-Brain refers to patients who have had their corpus callosum severed to some extent or in whole. This procedure was mainly used as an extremely invasive surgical procedure within patients suffering from intractable epileptic seizures. The corpus callosum consists of over 200 million nerve fibres connecting the left andRead MoreSplit Brain1201 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Running Head: SPLIT BRAIN LATERALIZATION Difference of Lateralization Between Split Brain And Intact Brain Patients Psychology 102 Section 6X Student Abstract Split brain patients lateralize functions in their brains to either side of the brains while intact brain patients utilize both sides of their brains. A group of 20 subjects were tested, 10 split brain and 10 intact brain patients. We gave these subjects three exams, a vocabulary test, a logical reasoning task and a faceRead MoreThe Theory Of The Mind Becomes Of Critical Importance860 Words  | 4 Pagesentity compared to the physical neurons within the brain. However, the field of neuroscience is finding many connections between the physical nature of the brain and the supposed non-physical aspect of the human mind. In a sense, neuroscience seeks to understand the functioning of the mind in terms of the physical neuronal firings of the brain. In addition, neuroscience seeks further information concerning the â€Å"fixity†and â€Å"plasticity†of the brain. The field of neuropsychology was developed in responseRead MoreSchizophrenia, By Swiss Psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler1182 Words  | 5 Pages Schizophrenia, known as the brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally is a serious brain disorder. Schizophrenia can distort the way you think, expression emotions, act, and affects the way you react to others. Sufferers also have issues functioning at work, in school, in their relationships, and of course, society as a whole. Schizophrenia, thought as the most debilitating of the mental illnesses, is a life-long disease. Schizophrenia can only be controlled through properRead MoreBrain Asymmetry Experiment1217 Words  | 5 PagesDistinctiveness between the right and left hemisphere of the brain Word Count: 995 Abstract The brain assymetry experiment is to investigate on the distinctiveness of the right and left hemisphere in the brain as each hemisphere has certain specializations. The experiment were carried out by initially asking the 25 participant on whether they were left or right handed and they had to choose the chimeric image which appeared younger to them. Laterality quotients were calculated in order toRead MoreFunctions Of The Various Cerebral Cortex Regions Essay1662 Words  | 7 Pagesa damaged brain reorganize itself, and what is neurogenesis c. What do split brains reveal about the functions of our two brain hemispheres? d. What does research tell us about being left-handed? Is it advantageous to be right-handed? 2. Outline a. The cerebral cortex i. Older brain networks endure simple life roles and enable memory, emotions and basic drives. ii. The cerebral hemisphere come as a duos iii. Cerebral cortex: a thin surface layer of interconnected neural cells 1. Brains thinking crownRead MoreExplain How Biological Factors May Affect One Cognitive Process1659 Words  | 7 Pagestemporal lobe is where memory is stored. This is where the brain stores everything one remembers. The hippocampus is also responsible for a part of memory. This is where the process of new memories is introduced into long-term storage. If the hippocampus is damaged or absent, one would not remember what is happening in the present, but only remember what happened in the past. It’s in the frontal lobe that memory is recalled - this is where the brains explores and recalls important information. In thisRead MoreSplit Brain: What Happens when You Have Two Brains?570 Words  | 2 Pageswould have a split brain, I don’t believe I would act any differently than I act now. The only way to actually notice the differences is when you put yourself through tests. However, if it was a special case, I might not be completely functioning. I would have troubl e telling my body what actions to perform. Split brain occurs when there is a lack of a corpus callosum or when the corpus callosum is severed. Making it so there is no connection between the two hemispheres of a person’s brain. A personRead MoreThe Perceptual Cognitive Skills And Their Interaction As A Function Of Task Constraints1395 Words  | 6 Pagescan be said that the skilled soccer player had better free recall or cued recall than less skilled players. As defined in our cognitive psychology book free recall is a procedure for testing memory in which the participant is asked to remember stimuli that was previously presented (Goldstein 7). Cued recall is defined as a procedure for testing memory in which a participant is presented with cues, such as words or phrases, to aid recall of previously experienced stimuli (Goldstein 7). The expert soccer
The World Is Flat Free Essays
Thomas Friedman in his recent book ‘The world is flat’ discusses a short history of globalisation in the twenty-first century. His discovering journey took him around the world to investigate the new concept in transnational business. He views himself as Columbus-like, but in a new modern word, in which he is searching for the sources of today’s wealth. We will write a custom essay sample on The World Is Flat or any similar topic only for you Order Now Only to come to a rhetorical conclusion that the world is â€Å"flat†not round! His book, ‘The world is flat’ has been a subject to much criticism. His work was highly criticizes by Aronica and Ramdoo, (2006) in their book ‘The World is Flat? A Critical Analysis of Thomas Friedman’s New York Times Bestseller’. They point to the fact that Friedman does not use a single table or data footnote in his book. Friedman makes arguments by assertion, based on not documented facts, but makes his assumption based on stories from his journey around the world, visiting few places, and selected CEOs he visits on his journey.(Aronica Ramdoo, 2006) Friedman in a research for his book visits India, where Nandan, the CEO of Infosys explains to him that; â€Å"the playing field is being leveled†causing Friedman to conclude that the world is flat. (Friedman, 2006 p.7) Friedman refers to a â€Å"flat world†in a metaphorical sense. He reiterates over and over again that â€Å"The world is flat†. In which he means that reducing barriers in trade and political and technical advances have made it possible to do business, instantly with any other businesses around the world, without the need to emigrate. It has allowed for parts of the world, which had previously been disconnected, like India and China, to compete in the world market. And that we are now connecting all the knowledge and expertise, using computers, email, fibre-optic networks and so on. Friedman argues that there are ten major forces that flattened the world, and describes each of the following â€Å"flatteners†. The fall of the Berlin Wall; or the work flow software; uploading; outsoursing; offshoring; insourcing; in-forming; and lastly he talks about steroids. Next Friedman delve into what he describes that the forces of flatness have resulted in â€Å"the triple convergence,†three additional components that acted on the flatteners to create a new, flatter global playing field. Friedman also states that â€Å"technology has made the world flat by removing geographical, hierarchical and other boundaries to trade†. In a flat world, Friedman writes, â€Å"you can innovate without having to emigrate. Yet, there are still many people in rural areas that have been left out and neglected of this global integration. People are migrating from rural areas to the big cities in search of jobs all the time, and this is what Friedman calls a ‘flat world’? Richard Florida,(2005) in his article ‘The World is spiky’ argues that â€Å"the globalisation has changed the playing field but it has not leveled it.†, Richard talks about â€Å"uneven distribution of the world’s population, light emissions, focusing on ‘peaks’ as of the cities that drive the world economy, and ‘valleys’ – places with little connection to the global economy.†Both authors seems to be right, but they both missing the point, using misleading metaphors. The paradox of these two metaphors is that the flattening of the world is creating a new prospect for even greater spikiness. Some would argue that it does not matter whether the world is spiky or flat. What does matter is where you live. Now, people have to compete and work harder than ever before. People in American are losing their jobs because someone on the other side of the world can do it faster and for less money. Technology makes it all more possible today to bring the world closer and make it more interconnected and interdependent.(Friedman, 2006) However, technological innovation by itself will never flatten the world, instead it tends to create inequalities by being inaccessible to less fortunate. Leamer (2007) in his critical review demonstrate that the technological revolution, economic integration and interaction increase the openness of trade and promote the production and transmission of information and knowledge in general. However, it is possible that increasing economic integration can lead to spatial agglomeration of economic activity rather than to a geographically ‘flatten pattern†. Process of globalization may as well wipe out space and distance between countries, then again, some will argue that in a global economy, competitive advantages are often heavily localized, arising from concentrations of highly specialised skills, knowledge and institutions. Friedman argues, that the world is getting flatter, incomes though, are not. Distribution of incomes within countries and between countries is growing greater. Nevertheless, all these arguments show that the world is not flat, never was and is not likely going to be in the near future. In second chapter, Friedman describes than Netscape went public and how Internet and World Wide Web came along and enabled more people to communicate and interact with more people anywhere on the planet, causing the Earth to flatten even more. In 2007 Foreign Policy magazine article, Pankaj Ghemawa, argued that ninety percent of the world’s web traffic, investments and phone calls are local, suggesting that Friedman has overstated the significance of the trends he describes. (Ghemawat, P. 2007). Friedman talks about ‘outsourcing’ of manufacturing and other processes to a foreign country to take advantage of less-costly labour. Outsourcing may indeed be good for the multinational corporations to stay competitive and survive, however, Arnica and Ramdoo (2006) in their book argue that, Friedman discuss in a favor of global corporations moving their operations overseas to exploit weak governments and cheap labor. Global corporations are not invested in the well-being of American workers and their local communities. Instead they go wherever they can to exploit cheap labor, lax environmental regulations and tax breaks. Stiglitz (2006) in his book points out that, the policy frameworks and laws are manipulated to be best suited for the industrial elites. Moving operations overseas is â€Å"cost cutting†to improve the financial performance of big corporations, without loyalty to one’s country. Their only loyalty is to increased profits and increased salaries of their directors. As a result of outsourcing, Many of American citizens, according to Friedman, are now worried about their careers, because some of the jobs they used to hold are now being performed outside the country for a much lower cost to their former companies. The reason behind the outsourcing is simply the cost. Indian workers can work for far less then American. The question is what will be the outcome of shipping all these jobs overseas? Some will argue that outsourcing less skilled work to emerging economies will raise living standards around the world. Workers in developing nations will get new and higher- paying jobs, and consumers in the U.S will be able to buy products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. Leamer (2007) argues that â€Å"it makes both parties worse off†saying â€Å"we get their wages and they get our culture. Outsourcing is occurring at a breathtaking pace, and as a result America is facing a big challenge because their jobs are at risk. Business services and finance is now at risk of being outsourced. And in the near future accounts, marketing and sales, and even human recourses will be shipped overseas in the name of cost saving. We are not only outsourcing business processes, but also moving process of innovations. Overall, this is good for global economy, but the U.S. workforce will face drastic career changes and pressures on wages subject to competition from foreign labor. Thus, what is good for some might not be good for others. Another example given by Mr. Friedman that stroked me is how Southwest Airlines let you issue your own boarding pass online twenty-four hours before the flight. What if you forget to print out your ticket? This is just a simple demonstration of declining quality of services a customer receives in a flatten world. I would argue that while the flat world has done extremely well for many industries and people around the world, Friedman but does not realized that the more flatten world brings many dark sides of globalisation along with it. The global financial system is more unbalanced, the threats of climate change are stronger and there is more international terrorism. The Friedman is reinforcing a wrong message to its audience for peace, loyalty and prosperity. Thomas Friedman points out that different parts of the world are now more connected because convergence of technology, information systems and telecommunications systems that created a ‘global platform’ is shrinking the world, and enabling each of us to reach around the world faster and cheaper than ever before! Yes, there have been some dramatic changes and transformation in the world economy, and we are now more connected than ever before, however the world is not flat. (Stiglitz, 2006). Stiglitz in his book ‘Making globalization work’ (2006) touches various aspects of globalization that is destroying the developing countries and their aspirations to provide a decent living to their citizens. He talks about egotistic intellectual property laws, the unfair trade mechanisms and many more critical points to complete success of globalization. Mr Friedman appreciates the existence of global poverty but fails to explain its structural and geopolitical causes. How to cite The World Is Flat, Essay examples
Friday, April 24, 2020
Othellos Character During The Play Is First Shown As A Hero Of War And
Othello's character during the play is first shown as a hero of war and a man of great pride and courage. The other main characters in the play all form their own opinions of him and as the play continues, his character begins to deteriorate and become less noble. Chronologically through the play Othello's character changes from a flawless military leader, to become a murderer. Also as the play progresses, the other characters in the play change their opinions of Othello which causes the plot to happen the way it did. Throughout the first act of the play, Othello was shown as many different characters depending on who was speaking. Iago complains of Othello's pride and "bombast circumstance" and is angered by the appointment of Cassio, and educated military theoretician of Florence to lieutenant, instead of himself. Although he knows Othello is a proud man, his open and trusting nature in the beginning of the play will be eroded by the conclusion of the plot. As Iago is speaking to Brabantio about Othello, he uses the term "white ewe" to represent Desdemona, and "black ram" when referring to Othello. By using these terms, it shows that he is trying to give a bad impression of Othello when he is speaking to the royal family in Venice, because Othello is a Moor or a Negro. Iago shows his black hatred for the Moor, and his jealousy of Cassio in his first soliloquy and also reveals his evil intentions. As the act continues and Othello is being searched for by a group of people, Iago attempts to incite Othello into anger against Brabantio, but Othello does not take the bait. He feels that he (Brabantio) may do his worst because Othello is assured that his military services to the government will outweigh Brabantio's complaints of him marrying Desdemona. These answers to Iago's persistence show that he is still a character of calmness and dignity, and he still has the self-assurance suitable to command armies of men. When Othello is found by Cassio, he seems to be relieved because he does not like personal conflict, which would have occurred if Brabantio had found him instead. After he is found, Othello is taken to Brabantio where he is interrogated on how he possessed Desdemona enough in order to make her run off with him. Brabantio damns Othello and calls him an enchanter, saying that the "tender, fair, and happy" Desdemona was too shy of marriage, which is why she shunned all of the suitors sent to her. This entire scene helps to establish Othello as an alert and composed leader. Later in this act, Othello offers to explain how he won Desdemona. He chooses not to contradict or deny that he has used "magic" but when the true meaning of the "magic" comes to light it is shown that he used the magic of love and not a conjured magic. Iago also suspects Othello of having some kind of relationship with his own wife, although he doesn't know or even seem to care whether or not his suspicions have any foundation at all. Again, according to Iago, Othello is an "ass" because he has a "free and open nature." This act works as an introduction to the Othello character and shows how other characters react to his presence in different ways. The remaining acts of the play continue to show how the characters react to Othello's lifestyle changes. Even though he must rid Cassio of his lieutenant responsibilities forever, Othello explains how he still loves him. If it were up to him Othello would have reinstated Cassio at the first opportunity, but this would be bad political practice. He wishes to appease Desdemona by doing this but he realizes that he can't. These practices show that he is a good governor and does not wish to arouse hostilities in the city, with an untimely pardon of Cassio. Desdemona tells Emilia that Othello is not the jealous type, which Othello believes to be true himself. However, as the play progresses through Act 3, Othello talks to Iago telling him that their prior conversation gave him reason to suspect Desdemona's motives. As a reader, you can see that Othello's capacity
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Black Studies Essay
Black Studies Essay Throughout history there were multiple debates on the importance of black studies. Without taking into consideration of some minor equality – a student has to write a paper on black studies, and conduct the research of his own and put it down to his paper. Black studies is a very sensitive topic, where you have to show your way of feeling towards American history, African Americans, the events and action which were made in the past, and compare to the position of things today. You have to be extremely careful while writing on the black studies topic, as from the slavery period the American society has been extremely tolerant towards all nations and races. No racist or any other negative comments will be tolerated by your professor, so be sure to write correct thoughts and opinions. Always stick to the topic which you have chosen, or which was chosen for you. Professors really hate vague paper and papers where the topic changes on every sentence. So be sure to be very specific provide clear and understandable examples of your points, and make sure you are not writing anything offensive. Your number one assistant is history. In order to prove your point – you can simply look for analogical examples from the past, as we all know, that everything that is happening now, it something that happened in the past with some minor changes. A good way to brighten up a black studies paper, black studies essay, black studies research paper, black studies term paper is a good biography. You can analyze an event or a situation based on the life of a single famous person. In our case it can be either one, such as Malcolm X or Martin Luther King, Tupac Shakur etc. can really save you a lot of time. We have expert writers who can write a paper in a matter of several hours. We also deliver orders over night. If you are seeking for quality and professional assistance with your black studies paper – be sure to ask for help.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The History Behind the Invention of the Digital Camera
The History Behind the Invention of the Digital Camera The history of the digital camera dates back to the early 1950s. Digital camera technology is directly related to and evolved from the same technology that recorded television images. Digital Photography and the VTR In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses (digital) and saving the information onto magnetic tape. Bing Crosby laboratories (the research team funded by Crosby and headed by engineer John Mullin) created the first early VTR and by 1956, VTR technology was perfected (the VR1000 invented by Charles P. Ginsburg and the Ampex Corporation) and in common use by the television industry. Both television/video cameras and digital cameras use a CCD (Charged Coupled Device) to sense light color and intensity. Digital Photography and Science During the 1960s, NASA converted from using analog to digital signals with their space probes to map the surface of the moon (sending digital images back to earth). Computer technology was also advancing at this time and NASA used computers to enhance the images that the space probes were sending. Digital imaging also had another government use at the time that being spy satellites. Government use of digital technology helped advance the science of digital imaging, however, the private sector also made significant contributions. Texas Instruments patented a film-less electronic camera in 1972, the first to do so. In August 1981, Sony released the Sony Mavica electronic still camera, the camera which was the first commercial electronic camera. Images were recorded onto a mini disc and then put into a video reader that was connected to a television monitor or color printer. However, the early Mavica cannot be considered a true digital camera even though it started the digital camera revolution. It was a video camera that took video freeze-frames. Kodak Since the mid-1970s, Kodak has invented several solid-state image sensors that converted light to digital pictures for professional and home consumer use. In 1986, Kodak scientists invented the worlds first megapixel sensor, capable of recording 1.4 million pixels that could produce a 5x7-inch digital photo-quality print. In 1987, Kodak released seven products for recording, storing, manipulating, transmitting and printing electronic still video images. In 1990, Kodak developed the Photo CD system and proposed the first worldwide standard for defining color in the digital environment of computers and computer peripherals. In 1991, Kodak released the first professional digital camera system (DCS), aimed at photojournalists. It was a Nikon F-3 camera equipped by Kodak with a 1.3-megapixel sensor. Digital Cameras for Consumers The first digital cameras for the consumer-level market that worked with a home computer via a serial cable were the Apple QuickTake 100 camera (February 17 , 1994), the Kodak DC40 camera (March 28, 1995), the Casio QV-11 (with LCD monitor, late 1995), and Sonys Cyber-Shot Digital Still Camera (1996). However, Kodak entered into an aggressive co-marketing campaign to promote the DC40 and to help introduce the idea of digital photography to the public. Kinkos and Microsoft both collaborated with Kodak to create digital image-making software workstations and kiosks which allowed customers to produce Photo CD Discs and ​photographs and add digital images to documents. IBM collaborated with Kodak in making an internet-based network image exchange. Hewlett-Packard was the first company to make color inkjet printers that complemented the new digital camera images. The marketing worked and today digital cameras are everywhere.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Giving back as much as you take Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Giving back as much as you take - Essay Example As averred by Taylor – Cassan, (2007, par. 1), â€Å"recently, more and more companies have been becoming green. They have been volunteering time and donating money to green causes, using green technology, and encouraging their employees to think green†. Environmental sustainability is defined as â€Å"maintaining the factors and practices that contribute to the quality of environment on a long-term basis†(Business Dictionary, 2011, par. 1). For a student, one can actively be committed in a transformation in one’s personal lifestyle through focusing on ways that would protect, preserve and sustain the environment. One of the most common and simple way that would help contribute to environmental sustainability is to conserving electricity. People have the tendency to be indifferent in turning off lights or even water, when not in use. Turning off electrical appliances such as the television, computers, and other electrical gadgets from the plug would help minimize electrical consumption. Another simple and effective way to support sustainability is to observe the ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ slogan in terms of becoming responsible and aware the amount and quality of garbage that one throws away.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Local Government Strategy Training Materials Essay
Local Government Strategy Training Materials - Essay Example Part 1 section 1 clearly states the major purpose of this Act as the need to provide a democratic and effective local government that clearly recognizes the important diversity realized in the country (Local Government Online, 2013). 2) Indeed, the Local Government plays a very important role in New Zealand. In Part 2 Section 10 of the Act, the Local Governments are meant to provide effective governance to the community at the local level and provide a valuable contribution to the social, economic and political wellbeing of the people. The Act further grants the local governments the relevant powers and capacity to ensure they can fulfill their mandate as specified in the Act. The powers of the local authorities are subject to other provisions of the Act and this ensures accountability and consultation of the local governments with other relevant authorities. 3 a) The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi originated from the case filed in the high court, in which the New Zealand Maori Council sought to ensure that the restructuring of the government did not interfere with the assets which had been owned by the Maori. The principles are therefore intended to ensure a maintaining of the proper working environment between the Maori and the wider community of New Zealand. In this regard, there must be a compromise from the two sides in order to meet the goals of the Principles. The focus here is to ensure partnership and mutual benefit in the context of protecting the interests of the Maori. The principles therefore stress upon good faith, partnership active protection and the importance of compromise from both parties to ensure a proper working relationship (New Zealand Legislation, 2013). b) The clause seeks to provide a framework through which the Maori can be involved in decision making in the local authorities in order to grant them the opportunities to address their challenges. In any case, the principles greatly stress upon the need for participation and cons ultation between the Maori and the wider community and this clause therefore stresses upon that important need. 4) A bylaw is essentially a form of law or rule that is established by a community or organization in order to regulate itself. The law is usually established in accordance with some higher law or authority. Bylaws are normally different with other laws since their only apply to the entity within which they are established. In commonwealth countries, bylaws are regulated by the central governments of the countries and should therefore meet specific guidelines as specified by the law. 5) The constitution of New Zealand recognizes the three branches of government and clearly stipulates their core mandates. The constitution stresses upon the â€Å"separation of powers†and the three government organs are therefore independent in terms of operations. The legislature, judiciary and executive are nevertheless expected to work in collaboration in order to ensure compliance with the law. The function of the parliament is to make laws while the executive exercises these laws. The judiciary is an independent body that is mandated to interpret and ensure compliance with the laws in the country. The executives expected to consult the Judiciary on legislative and policy proposals. In the same way, the three organs are expected to respect the functions of one another in order to promote separation of power
Friday, January 24, 2020
Homeless Children and the Educational System Essay -- Family Poor Pape
Homeless Children and the Educational System Many people still think of homeless transients as alcoholics and/or mentally disabled. The truth is, the current homeless population consists of runaway adolescents, single adult males or females, battered women and over one million homeless families with children – typically headed by a female parent. To be homeless means that one’s primary residence is a public or private shelter, emergency housing, hotel, motel, living with family or friends or any public space – like parks, automobiles, aqueducts or abandoned buildings (Pawlas, 1996). Statement of the Problem With the number of homeless students on the rise, schools encounter new educational challenges that include: establishing and maintaining enrollment procedures that would not discourage school attendance; lack of teacher-training/awareness in the special needs of homeless children; the non-existence of a school transfer system for homeless children that would be least destructive to a child's education, while all the time not overlooking the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, security and medical care that homeless families with children require immediately. Framing Question Homelessness is now a major problem in the United States, with the growing population being homeless families or single mothers and their children. Due to the rapid growth and obvious presence (shelters, visibility) of homeless families in the United States – Are the legally mandated educational rights of homeless children being fulfilled? If so, how? If not, why not? Review of Literature The plight of homeless families with children was initially addressed in 1987. Congress passed the... ... Wells, Amy Stuart: Education Provisions of the McKinney Act (1989) Wells, Amy Stuart: Problems Facing Local Educators (1989) Eddowes, A (1994). Schools Providing Safer Environments for Homeless Children. Childhood Education Nunez, R., Collignon, K. (1997). Creating a Community of Learning for Homeless Children. Educational Leadership Pawles, G. West, G. Brookes, C. Russell (1994). A Safety Net for Homeless Students. Educational Leadership Rafferty, Y. (1998). Meeting the Educational Needs of Homeless Children. Educational Leadership Yon, M. (1994). Educating Homeless Children in the United States. Equity and Excellence in Education
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Wal-Mart’s Positive Effect on a Community
When it comes to shopping for clothes, groceries, and other belongings; there is one question customers must ask themselves. Do you shop with your head or your heart? Shopping with you head refers to looking for discounts and saving as much money as you can while, shopping with your heart is going to a local store and paying extra to support a family owned business. Most respond with saving money and getting discounts. Wal-Mart is one of the largest employers in the United States and their inventory includes groceries, pharmacies, automotive and hardware supply areas.It is a store that provides plenty of things you need in one place at the lowest prices. Low income, middle-class or upper class; Wal-Mart helps the majority of the community. Although many people believe Wal-Mart shuts down and overruns small businesses, what Wal-Mart brings to the table is that it employs a vast amount of jobs. I am for Wal-Mart because I believe the lives of people in less fortunate communities benefi t from these stores, instead of the common belief that they suffer for them.Their slogan of â€Å"Save money, Live better†is exactly what they are able to do for their customers. The best feeling you can get when shopping is coming out of a store and getting all the items and goods you desired for a manageable price. Wal-Mart gives you the opportunity to achieve that feeling. With the low prices for large quantities, these huge stores help out the whole community (especially rural areas). The Case for Wal-Mart,†by Karen De Coster and Brad Edmonds clarifies,†If the truth be told, Wal-Mart improves the lives of people in rural areas because it gives them access to a lifestyle that they otherwise would not have- a gigantic store showcasing the world’s greatest choice of products from groceries to music to automotive products†(633). I absolutely agree with Coster and Edmonds statement that customers should be obligated to buy brand labels accessories for discounted prices.Wal-Mart gives discounts, up to seventy percent off, prices all year around- unlike other supermarkets or clothing stores that only have seasonal discounted times. Wal-Mart gives shoppers the chance to go into their stores and purchase close to anything they can think of at lower prices then Wal-Mart’s competition. When all is said, Wal-Mart improves the lives of everyone in a community because it allows consumers to buy goods for relatively cheap prices. Unlike any other retailers, Wal-Mart employs people for jobs not careers.There is a possibility to climb the ladder within the company, but working at Wal-Mart doesn’t really jump-start to any other job opportunities. But the fact is that Wal-Mart does provide a vast amount of people. The number of different departments and employees that are required to run one Wal-Mart store hires a great number of people. With the amount of people needed for each section and subsection at these stores, Wal-Mar t has the ability to give many people jobs. Wal-Mart has been one of the most successful anti-poverty programmers in America. It provides entry-level jobs that unskilled workers badly want – there are often five or 10 applicants for each position†(Urbach). Wal-Mart is also beneficial with giving high number of jobs because most of the jobs that they are hiring don’t need a high school or college degree. For areas with high number of people who don’t have diplomas, Wal-Mart gives the opportunity to them by supplying them a steady supply of money.These are unskilled workers that aren’t exactly looking for job progression, but are looking for any job they can get and keep. It’s the perfect combination of a company that needs to hire a great amount of people, and the kinds of workers that don’t really have many other options. Wal-Mart’s geographic position is very helpful and convenient to many communities. These mega-stores may se em like they just follow whichever area is large enough to hold their enormous square footage, but actually they are positioned in just the right place.The fact that most are within short driving distance to other supermarkets, makes it worth for the consumers to go to Wal-Mart first, see what they have, and then from there go to the other stores. People who shop at Wal-Mart, trust that they will be able to find most if not all of their shopping list. Even if it is farther than another store, people are willing to go the extra mile or two to get the savings they would not be able to find anywhere else. Wal-Mart’s slogan sums up how their customers shop and enjoy the savings, â€Å"Save money, live better†.I couldn't agree more. With people being able to save money, community’s benefit immensely. Especially low-income communities, Wal-Mart is good because it gets money into the citizen’s pockets and encourages them to spend more than they would or could ha ve before. â€Å"This then allows them to have some money to invest in productive assets or to buy those other things that will make their lives more comfortable and enjoyable†(Urbach). Customers of Wal-Mart aren’t just happy because of the deals they get by shopping at those stores.What makes Wal-Mart customers the happiest is knowing that from the money they saved, they have extra to spend on other things. Many nonbelievers against Wal-Mart state that it will shut down small businesses and affect the economy in a negative way. Putting a Wal-Mart in a striving community is a positive. One reason is because it drives up competition. What we strive for as human beings is competition. It is a life essential tool for business. Opposing common belief, â€Å"after a new Wal-Mart is built, other small businesses sprout up nearby and cash in on the new retail traffic†(Gruss).Studies have shown that other businesses and companies do better and grow when Wal-Mart is in close proximity to them. Critics of Wal-Mart have understandable reasons to question this huge corporation; they don’t want to have to lower their prices to compete with Wal-Mart’s. Instead of trying to battle with them, they claim that Wal-Mart is bad for communities and small businesses. But there is proof that small businesses open and flourish once a Wal-Mart is opened. Wal-Mart’s drive up competition that encourages people to go to multiple stores to compare to the prices they offer.Wal-Mart has over 1. 2 million employees and more than 3,600 stores nationwide. The fact is that everyone has shopped at Wal-Mart once in there life. To be accused for ruining small businesses and communities is non-sense. Wal-Mart is the number one place to buy all your goods without spending too much money. And with that savings, customers can afford to save for other necessities they need to pay off. Employing huge amount of people and creating jobs in the economy has helped the United States. Americans love Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart loves America right back.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Education Medium For The Course - 1506 Words
As part of the teaching team instructing a first year course in American History, there is a lot to cover in a semester. My part of the module consists of educating the students about slavery in nineteenth-century America. Solomon Northup’s memoir, 12 Years A Slave will be part of the curriculum, since it is an authentic piece of history in American slavery. However, as the instructor, I need to decide what educational medium to use. I have the choice of the book/memoir itself or the academy award winning film. Both mediums have their advantages and disadvantages as a teaching aid. After some consideration, I will be using the film as the education medium for the course. While the book is a fountain of information, I believe the film will be more beneficial for a first year history course. This film will truly engage the students and give them a better understanding of the unfortunate events of historical slavery. Though, the film is not the primary evidence of slavery, it does portray authenticity. As long as the film does not forfeit its historical accuracies for entertainment value, then it should be used as an educational tool. However, loss of accurate historical information is not an issue since this Hollywood film manages to accurately depict history. For starters, the actors and actresses that were cast were true to their detailed descriptions in the book. The students can visualize the characters and their personalities in the film. It could drive the studentsShow MoreRelatedComputer Technology : A Educational Study1391 Words  | 6 Pagesimportance of computerized education as a way to dictate the needs of the student in the increasing role of information technology (IT) in the 21st contrary. In modern schools, the necessity of computerized education will provide stude4nts of the future with the necessary skills to participate in jobs related to this field of technology. 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