Thursday, October 31, 2019
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK Dissertation - 1
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK - Dissertation Example The significance of the topic, followed by the background and context are delineated to give emphasis on the emergence of the topic. Moreover, the literature review will be conducted so as to deliver the clear arguments, which will tend to stipulate implications under the last section. All of the contents in this paper will assist one to fathom the needs of alteration in a modern setting, and demand for growth especially by enforcing human rights mandates. 2.0 Aims 2.1. List of Aims To provide a background of forced marriage, in the absence of mainstream and commonalities that are happening in the contemporary setting today. To depict the current qualitative data of forced matrimony, so one can realise how the pace of growth has been sliding and giving birth into another bulk of detrimental concerns. To open the mind of the state that it is not the general welfare of the people that they are protecting if they focus on economic progress and development. 2.2 Interpretation of Aims Suc h aims are created to picture out the outcome of the contents of this paper. The first aim signifies that the paper will not only depict the nature of forced marriage as it has already been widely known, but also to provide the public that such notion has been claimed in different perspectives. The second aim shows the reality that such current record will make one ponder about what could the conduct be if consistent practice will be made. Lastly, the third aim will promote awareness to the public, especially to the state that forced marriage is something that can ruin the life of the people living in a particular nation that impedes social developments with its social policies that are unfounded with universal human rights. 2.3 Researcher’s Initial Ideas/Thoughts/Perspectives From the inception of the conduct of this paper, the researcher really thought that forced marriage has existed in the mainstream, and arrange marriage is different from it--which has been rectified. Ho wever, in the writer’s perspective, forced marriage was really detrimental, and it profoundly depicted violence against women, but did not classify it as a felony towards human rights. Generally, the writer believed that families resulting from forced matrimony can still be managed well, with love and care, especially when two persons begin to reside in one house. 2.4 Significance of the Topic The dearth of literature regarding the proliferating issues of forced marriage is an indication of delving into the topic deeper. For instance, a tiny notch of sociologists has been studying the issue, and their number depicts tolerance to the concern. To begin with the situation and the emerging victims, it is precise to know that the topic is far more than significant. When it comes to life and death situations, the public should commence on constructing resolutions rather than discussing the issue. However, because the issue has been neglected, educating first the public is the first phase before giving resolutions to the conduct. 3.0 Background and Context The issue is really set on the full consent and submission of oneself to be engaged in a conduct, which decisions involved are significant because it will dictate someone’s future. It has been an issue of threat or coercion, force, and dishonor, which one tries to escape from the reality just because someday or at this moment, he or she will tie with someone that is considerably a perfect stranger or an unwanted person. This should be the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Hobbes and Locke Essay Example for Free
Hobbes and Locke Essay Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are indeed, two of the most brilliant philosophers that ever existed. They may have similarities and differences between them, but it is undeniable that their ideas contributed a lot in shaping the modern world. Both Hobbes and Locke perceive man as a central figure in a society. For Hobbes, it is man’s nature to be mindful of him exclusively, with self-interest going above everything else. On the other hand, Locke perceives man as both self-interested and concerned about other people. The two really have similarities and differences, but in order to know more about them, we need to compare their stand about various aspects of society. One important aspect that we could consider is sovereignty (Williams, 2006). Hobbes made it clear in his Leviathan that a political society’s sole task was to identify a person or a group as the sovereign. This pertains to an election of some sort, which would determine who would be the sovereign. Hobbes regards this sovereign as someone with absolute power, and that every person in the society should give him/them their absolute obedience. For Hobbes, the only time that the people would be sovereign is when they choose who will be the distinguished sovereign of all. Locke on the other hand, would put the public good above all else, thus affecting his notion of sovereignty (John Locke, 2004). In Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, he recognizes the permanence and irrevocability of the social contract, but this limits the legislation only for public good. If and whenever the public trust is violated, say perhaps the people in power overlooked the public good, then they would have to answer to the people. They retained the power to remove or replace the legislative, considered to be sovereign, with a new legislative. Though it is unclear in Locke’s writings, he somehow deposits sovereignty in the people. He recognizes the sovereignty that a legislative may have, but still, it is in the hands of the people to correct any inappropriate actions that violate the public good. Another aspect that we could use to compare Locke and Hobbes is their idea about government. But before that, we need to consider first how these two look at the natural law that all men follow. For Hobbes, man follows a naturally law that eventually leads to a state of war. Their equality leads to conflict between each other, eventually leading to war and chaos. Locke on the other hand, would consider man’s natural law as a movement towards equality and freedom. Both men draw their ideas about the government from their concept of natural law. For Hobbes, government is important because it can be used to control natural law. For Locke on the other hand, government is important in order to preserve natural law. In relation to this, another aspect that we can consider in comparing Hobbes and Locke is their idea about rights. Thomas Hobbes believed that the natural law that man follows result from the rights possessed by each person to do everything in the world. Since they’re allowed to do whatever they want because of the rights they possess, conflict would be unavoidable. In order to avoid this state of war, man follows a social contract in order to create a civil society. This requires them to forfeit or cede some of their natural rights in order to be protected. This somehow controls them from exercising all of their rights, but somehow protecting them from the impending destruction that results from conflicts and wars. As for John Locke, he believes that all of us possess Natural Rights, which is brought about by the state of nature that we follow in the society. These include the right to life, liberty, and property. Both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke believe that all men are equal according to the natural law. For Hobbes however, this equality is seen in a state of war, caused by man’s right to everything. These rights lead them into conflict and boils down to chaos. Still, Hobbes believe that this state of war to be an equal field, wherein the weakest can still kill the strongest. There is no one above others in this state of war. He also believes that all man is sensible by nature, and can agree upon each other to avoid these constant wars. Locke on the other hand, sees man optimistically, wherein they are governed according to reason, thus coexisting equally and peacefully. They are all equal in terms of the rights they possess, thus putting them on the same level as everyone else. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both agree on the importance of civilizing man. It either control or preserve natural law, either way, it is beneficial. Putting this on the idea of â€Å"the savage†, we can see that they give emphasis on the importance of civilizing man because it makes him better. We can say that for these two, man can’t do away with the social establishments that he created, including the government and their notion of sovereignty, as it preserves and promote order in the society, something that both philosophers can somehow agree upon.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Dualism And Dualistic Interactionism
Dualism And Dualistic Interactionism Dualism was believed to approach by Pythagoras nearly 6th Century B.C.E. Pythagoras believe on transmigration of soul-means that when a person died, the soul is immortal and bound to divide soul. However , Pythagorass theory is not likely famous during that time. Later, Plato shows the disjunctive between mind and body. Plato think that body is like a prison used to trap mind/soul. After death, the body decompose because it was made of material while soul/mind is immortal. This shows that body and mind is two separated things. Dualism that famously used nowadays came from the famous philosopher and mathematician, Rene Descartes.It is also known as the beginning of modern philosophy. Rene introduced two main subject for dualism which are substance and property. In order to understand dualism,several argument were rised.One particular argument is dualistic interactionism which known ascommon sense.Descartes stated the point of interaction is something connected mind/soul to body is at pineal gland of brain.However,the soul is not likely trap at pineal glad,it only act as point of interaction.Mind is real but it is different from brain.. The brain is the major locus for the mind or consciousness of the soul, yet mind or consciousness is distributed throughout the whole body.But the function of pineal gland as point of interaction has been proved as wrong by scientifically method.Pineal gland function to secrete serotonin derivative melatonin(hormone use to modulate sleep and wake patterns and seasonal function).There are no evidence to associate mind/soul to body.This is making interactionism as a weak argument to defend dualism. Another argument is mind is the immortal soul.Many religion like Islam and Christian teach that soul is different from our body.When we died ,the soul is immortal and will go to heaven or hell.This argument is similar to Platos approach.Thats why platonic dualism are well accepted in Christian . The third argument is ,if dualism is false,we can reduce mind/mental states to physical matter or vice versa,or to neutral third substance.However,it was impossible to change your mental states to matter.For example if we feel anger towards someone,can you made your feeling into concrete object?of course not.Thats why this argument is commonly used to convince people about dualism.However,this argument can be critise for the lackness of imagination.In imagination we think about something then we made it into some physical things. The last argument is mental states(mind) and physical(body)have different and irreconcilable properties. First point for this judgement is mental states cannot be publically observable.For example ,I fall from stairs and hurt my head.We can see the effect of fallness because the bump in my head but you cannot feel the pain I suffered.Thats why mental states is private unlike physical things such as fireworks and cannot be publically observable. Next is mental states is not spatially located .Many experiment been conducted but scientist still cannot proved where mind located ,either inside or outside of the brain.Pretending that you are feeling happy.Does you feel happy in your head or the happiness is spread throughout your body?So,where exactly your mind?Third point is mental states does not have properties as physical.As example our body have mass and can do physical motion.We can not weigh a thought and we cannot measure how far our feeling can go.Some people stated that they have depthness of feeling but,how can they measure the depthness?Fourth,mental states have subjective properties(Qualia)that physical do not have.Qualia is raw feels .It is a subjective or qualitative properties of our experience.It is like how to know what is red color or how to differentiate musical notes heard from piano or violin. It is impossible to reduced Qualia into physical properties. So there are at least four major differences between the mental and the physical, which make it difficult, to say the least, to understand how one might reduce the mental to the physical. That seems to give us considerable reason to think that the mind and the body are two totally different categories of being. So,this is a good argument for dualism. In this philosophy of mind, dualism is different kinds of mental events and physical events in a set of beginning of belief in which they were claimed. Instead of that, the dualist in the philosophy of mind had identified the big difference between mind and matter. They all disagree that the mind is the same as the brain. While others also deny that the mind is the only one the product of the brain. The concept of this dualism is that our mind is more than our brain. It can contain everything in our surrounding. This concept tells us that our mind has a non-material which is spiritual dimension that includes consciousness and possibly an eternal attribute or we can call that as motivation. In order to understand this concept is we have to consider ourselves first as a container which is including our physical body and physical brain together with a separate non-physical mind, spirit, soul, motivation and so on. The mind, spirit, or soul is considered the conscious part that manifests itself through the brain. In a similar way where the picture and sound waves manifest themselves through a television set. These waves of picture and sound are also known as no -material just like the mind, spirit, or soul. There are many types of dualism that are distinguished based on if and how mind and matter are thought to each other together with its own functionality. Thus, this dualism can be divided into two which is substance and property dualist. Substance dualists typically argue that there are difference matters in our mind and body where the mind is a thinking thing is less exposed to the physical of an object. The physical objects are including size, shape, location, volume, speed and direction in movement, adherence to the laws of physics, and so on. However, substance dualists fall into several groups depending on how they think the connection of mind and body are related. For instances, interactionists believe that minds and bodies can affect to each other. Occasionalists and parallelists, generally motivated by a concern to their curiosity of physical science. But this is denied because all apparent interaction to God is ultimately attributing.Epiphenomenalists offer a compromise theory, asserting that bodily events can have mental events as effects at the same time denying that the reverse is true. This can be done by avoiding any threat to the scientific law of conservation of energy at the expense of the common sen se notion that we act for reasons. The occasionalism and parallelism are another two types of substance dualist. These theories are largely preserved or are taken from the original of history. The occasionalist mentioned that there are no interactin between mind and body mind. They may seem to when, for example, we put our hand above the hot kettle then the hot and distressing sensation occurs. Occassionalists, like Malebranche, assert that the sensation is caused by God where God create appropriate experiences and feeling by using the occasion of environmental happenings. Furthermore, according to the parallelist, our mental and physical histories are coordinated so that mental events appear to cause physical events (and vice versa) by virtue of their temporal conjunction, but mind and body no more interact than two clocks that are synchronized so that the one chimes when hands of the other point out the new hour. Since this fantastic series of harmonies could not possibly be due to mere coincidence, so it is advanced in explanation of religion. In creation God does not appeared continuously, just like the occasionalist had mentioned, but builds into creation a pre-established harmony which is we programmed ourselves that maximally removes the need for future impact. Next, another dualism is property dualism which is that mental states are irreducible attributes of brain states and it holds that mental phenomena are non-physical properties of physical substances. Consciousness is the most widely known as an example of a non-physical property of physical substances. However, other dualists hold that mental states, characteristic and episodes are brain states, even the states cannot be conceptualized in exactly the same way without loss of meaning. According to epiphenomenalism, mental events can build bodily events or processes, but bodily events or processes cannot caused by mental phenomena (McLaughlin, p. 277) whether an epiphenomenalist thinks these mental epiphenomena are properties of the body or properties of a non-physical mental storage determines whether the epiphenomenalist is a property or substance dualist. They are many psychology principle that had been discuss today. For example, functionalism, dualism, mongolism. All this principle had their own explanations and their own believe about the life and the things that related to life. But, for my group opinion, the most suitable and the nearest principle that can get along with life. human body actually had two things, that is body and mind. This two things react with each other simultaneously to create the most complicated and perfect things, that is life to run smoothly. Dualism can be prove to be nearly correct because it has implications that related to life after death issues. This is because, after we die, we will going to had our life after death, and many religion in this world was practicing the same things. After we die, our soul will separated from our body, and will live the life after the death. So, the life after death is based on judgment on how we operate or run our life before. Besides that, nobody in this world can ret ain or can resist death. Everybody will die, and nobody had the immortal. So, this prove that dualism concept was the most or nearly precise principle that can be related to life. Apart from that, human rationality in the terms of thinking was also an implication that can be used to prove that dualism principle was true. Physical forces was something that play an importance role in peoples thought judgment. If there is no soul, instead, there is only had body, they will be no believe or not believe for something that is not real-abstract. For example, the galaxy had seven layer, and god is actually exist . on the other hand, if our body had only self-refuting left, there will be no room for rational beliefs. British study had published that there is evidence that consciousness continues after a persons brain stopped. The most shocking prove was that actually death support the dualism . the brain still run the function of lucid thought with formation and reasoning of memory. Besides, there are also patience that admit that they had gain information that they had never knew it before. Brain was also being proved that had no place where electric stimulation can cause a person to believe or decide. This was proved by doing interviewed to sixty three heart attack victims who were declared death. Roger sperry and hiks team had studied difference between right and left hemisphrere of the brain, and they had founf that mind had causal power independent of the brain activities. This is why, materialism was concluded to be false by sperry. Actually, thought had two component, that is mind and brain. This can be said to be true because thoughts can be true or false, however, brain staes itself cannot be true or false. So, how on earth can we think in our everyday life about right or wrong? This can be the obvious prove to prove that dualism was the most precise principle exist-yet. Besides that, by measuring brain waves, nobody can tell we what are we thinking. Instead, we must been ask about what had been thinking first, then everybody will knows. That is why the dualism principle was chosen to be most or nearest precise principle that can be adapt to our life as it had two component that work and react simultaneously to complete the cycle that we called life and it was also true to be said that life or mind body actually had two component, that is body and soul.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Teaching Evolution in Public Schools Essay -- Essays on Teaching Evol
Many groups have tried to push their ideas on the public through schooling. Public school students, numbering in the millions, seem a perfect, captive audience for the promulgation of the ideas of a few self-righteous groups. These groups have tried to influence national thinking by promoting their views in the classroom, but this is not an acceptable method. A public school classroom is a place for the passing of accepted knowledge from an instructor to a student, not the place for the ideas of the ignorant few to influence the thinking of the many. The local and state school boards serve as the check on the vocal few and determine the curriculum to be administered to the throngs of students attending class. Current science curriculum is widely accepted. Parents and communities have no complaints over their students learning about the classification of animals and plants, chemistry, gravity, cells, and body processes. The complaints are focused around the teaching of evolution, but for the many educated people in the field of biology, evolution is a basic principle. Public school students must be exposed to this fundamental concept and be familiar with it. Evolution must be taught in schools since it is a scientific model that cannot and should not be ignored. All other alternativesâ€â€creation science, intelligent design, creationism, and othersâ€â€are religious and have no place in the public school classroom. Looking at the historical precedent and scientific acceptance, evolution is the only model of life origins and progression that should be taught in public schools. The battle regarding evolution in public schools has been going on for over a century. Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species by Means o... ...[17] â€Å"Science.†Webster’s Dictionary. 1042. [18] Moore 133. [19] Harbaugh, M.J. Fundamentals of Biology. 450. [20] Harbaugh 403. [21] National Science Education Standards. 201. [Emphasis added.] [22] Appleman, Philip. Darwin. 592. [23] â€Å"NSTA Position Statement.†[24] â€Å"Academic Standards for Science and Technology.† 15-17. [25] The National Science Education Standards. 185. [26] Burlingame, Leonas Lancelot. General Biology. 381-2. [27] â€Å"Science and Creationism.† [28] Moore 135. [29] Moore 135. [30] â€Å"NSTA Position Statement: The Teaching of Evolution.†[31] National Science Education Standards. 184. [32] Brandwein, Paul. Teaching High School Science: A Book of Methods. 255. [33] Brandwein 254. [34] Brandwein 255.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Management Information System Essay
ABSTRACT Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial activities in an Organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the organizations planning, control, and operational Functions to be carried out effectively. Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with processing data into information and is then communicated to the various Departments in an organization for appropriate decision-making. MIS is a subset of the overall planning and control activities covering the application of humans, technologies, and procedures of the organization. . The information system is the mechanism to ensure that information is available to the managers in the form they want it and when they need it. INTRODUCTION: MIS provides several benefits to the business organization: the means of effective and efficient coordination between Departments; quick and reliable referencing; access to relevant data and documents; use of less labor; improvement in organizational and departmental techniques; management of day-to-day activities (as accounts, stock control, payroll, etc.); day-to-day assistance in a Department and closer contact with the rest of the world.MIS provides a valuable time-saving benefit to the workforce. Employees do not have to collect data manually for filing and analysis. Instead, that information can be entered quickly and easily into a computer program. As the amount of raw data grows too large for employees’ to analyze, business analysts can build programs to access the data and information in response to queries by management. With faster access to needed information, managers can make better decisions about procedures, future directions, and developments by competitors, and make them more quickly we are living in a time of great change and working in an Information Age. Manager’s have to assimilate masses of data, convert that data into information, form conclusions about that information and make decisions leading to the achievement of business objectives. For an organization, information is as important resource as money, machinery and manpower. It is essential for the survival of the enterprise. METHODOLOGY: RESEARCH DESIGN Research design was adopted for the â€Å"Descriptive Research Study†. OBJECTIVES 1. To study pros and cons of outsourcing corporate IT security 2. To give suitable recommendations for increasing it security. DATA COLLECTION METHODS In the research two types of data were collected-: SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and hence collected large no. of relavant information in order to come on a conclusion and recommendations for solving the problems.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tetanus Essays - Tetanus, Clostridium Tetani, Tetanospasmin, Lockjaw
Tetanus Essays - Tetanus, Clostridium Tetani, Tetanospasmin, Lockjaw Tetanus title = Tetanus Tetanus, often referred to as "lock jaw", is caused by toxins released from Clostridium Tetani which lives in soil. It is a bacterial disease, and can enter the human body through any wound but usually does so through foot wounds. Tetanus interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses, creating prolonged muscle spasms which may cause the jaw to "lock" closed or paralyze the muscles needed to breathe. Tetanus is more dangerous in tropical areas, especially areas with poor sanitation. The incubation period of tetanus ranges from two to sixty days. The longer the incubation period, the greater the chance that the infected person will recover. The early symptoms of the disease are headaches, toothaches, profuse sweating, restlessness, irritability, stiff neck, difficulty swallowing, sore muscles and over-anxiousness. Soon after the early symptoms, the person infected with tetanus will experience spasms, inflexibility of the neck and back muscles and a painful, persistent grimace of facial muscles; which gives the impression of a sardonic grin. There are different levels of spasms experienced by those infected with tetanus. The mild cases of spasms are limited to only the neck and head. this condition is know as lock jaw. Severe cases include spasms in the back, extremities, diaphram, and respiratory muscles. In addition, many complications accompany the disease. Some of these include intestinal ulcers, blood clot formation, and respiratory disorders; which is the most common cause of death in people infected with tetanus.
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