Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tetanus Essays - Tetanus, Clostridium Tetani, Tetanospasmin, Lockjaw

Tetanus Essays - Tetanus, Clostridium Tetani, Tetanospasmin, Lockjaw Tetanus title = Tetanus Tetanus, often referred to as "lock jaw", is caused by toxins released from Clostridium Tetani which lives in soil. It is a bacterial disease, and can enter the human body through any wound but usually does so through foot wounds. Tetanus interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses, creating prolonged muscle spasms which may cause the jaw to "lock" closed or paralyze the muscles needed to breathe. Tetanus is more dangerous in tropical areas, especially areas with poor sanitation. The incubation period of tetanus ranges from two to sixty days. The longer the incubation period, the greater the chance that the infected person will recover. The early symptoms of the disease are headaches, toothaches, profuse sweating, restlessness, irritability, stiff neck, difficulty swallowing, sore muscles and over-anxiousness. Soon after the early symptoms, the person infected with tetanus will experience spasms, inflexibility of the neck and back muscles and a painful, persistent grimace of facial muscles; which gives the impression of a sardonic grin. There are different levels of spasms experienced by those infected with tetanus. The mild cases of spasms are limited to only the neck and head. this condition is know as lock jaw. Severe cases include spasms in the back, extremities, diaphram, and respiratory muscles. In addition, many complications accompany the disease. Some of these include intestinal ulcers, blood clot formation, and respiratory disorders; which is the most common cause of death in people infected with tetanus.

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